We will need to import the virtual environment in which we are working to jupyter, so that we work with the same packages -and versions of those- within jupyter. To do that, go to /mnt/data/projects/food_inspections/
and type the following command:
$ python -m ipykernel install --user --name=food_inspections --display-name food_inspections
Also, since we are going to connect to the database through Python we will need to chage some environment variables.
$ nano ~/.bashrc
Add your credentials for the variables: PGUSER
. For example:
export PGUSER='yourandrewid'
export PGPASSWORD='yourandrewid'
export PGHOST=''
export PGPORT=5432
export PGDATABASE='food-inspections'
Then make these variables available to the session:
$ source ~/.bashrc
Start a Jupyter notebook, remember to use a port available from the list ss -tulnp
$ jupyter notebook --port {XXXX}
Make a port forwarding between your local machine and the server so that we can use the browser in your machine as GUI.
$ ssh localhost:{YYYY}:localhost:{XXXX}
Open your browser and open the URL localhost:{YYYY}
it will ask for a token.