Source code for

import logging

import pandas as pd


__author__ = "Rayid Ghani, Pedro Saleiro <>, Benedict Kuester, Loren Hinkson"
__copyright__ = "Copyright \xa9 2018. The University of Chicago. All Rights Reserved."

[docs]class Group(object): """ """ def __init__(self): """ """ self.label_neg_count = lambda label_col: lambda x: \ (x[label_col] == 0).sum() self.label_pos_count = lambda label_col: lambda x: \ (x[label_col] == 1).sum() self.group_functions = self._get_group_functions() @staticmethod def _get_group_functions(): """ Helper function to accumulate lambda functions used in bias metrics calculations. """ divide = lambda x, y: x / y if y != 0 else predicted_pos_count = lambda rank_col, label_col, thres, k: lambda x: \ (x[rank_col] <= thres).sum() predicted_neg_count = lambda rank_col, label_col, thres, k: lambda x: \ (x[rank_col] > thres).sum() predicted_pos_ratio_k = lambda rank_col, label_col, thres, k: lambda x: \ divide((x[rank_col] <= thres).sum(), k + 0.0) predicted_pos_ratio_g = lambda rank_col, label_col, thres, k: lambda x: \ divide((x[rank_col] <= thres).sum(), len(x) + 0.0) false_neg_count = lambda rank_col, label_col, thres, k: lambda x: \ ((x[rank_col] > thres) & (x[label_col] == 1)).sum() false_pos_count = lambda rank_col, label_col, thres, k: lambda x: \ ((x[rank_col] <= thres) & (x[label_col] == 0)).sum() true_neg_count = lambda rank_col, label_col, thres, k: lambda x: \ ((x[rank_col] > thres) & (x[label_col] == 0)).sum() true_pos_count = lambda rank_col, label_col, thres, k: lambda x: \ ((x[rank_col] <= thres) & (x[label_col] == 1)).sum() fpr = lambda rank_col, label_col, thres, k: lambda x: \ divide(((x[rank_col] <= thres) & (x[label_col] == 0)).sum(), (x[label_col] == 0).sum().astype( float)) tnr = lambda rank_col, label_col, thres, k: lambda x: \ divide(((x[rank_col] > thres) & (x[label_col] == 0)).sum(), (x[label_col] == 0).sum().astype( float)) fnr = lambda rank_col, label_col, thres, k: lambda x: \ divide(((x[rank_col] > thres) & (x[label_col] == 1)).sum(), (x[label_col] == 1).sum().astype( float)) tpr = lambda rank_col, label_col, thres, k: lambda x: \ divide(((x[rank_col] <= thres) & (x[label_col] == 1)).sum(), (x[label_col] == 1).sum().astype( float)) fomr = lambda rank_col, label_col, thres, k: lambda x: \ divide(((x[rank_col] > thres) & (x[label_col] == 1)).sum(), (x[rank_col] > thres).sum( ).astype(float)) npv = lambda rank_col, label_col, thres, k: lambda x: \ divide(((x[rank_col] > thres) & (x[label_col] == 0)).sum(), (x[rank_col] > thres).sum().astype( float)) precision = lambda rank_col, label_col, thres, k: lambda x: \ divide(((x[rank_col] <= thres) & (x[label_col] == 1)).sum(), (x[rank_col] <= thres).sum( ).astype(float)) fdr = lambda rank_col, label_col, thres, k: lambda x: \ divide(((x[rank_col] <= thres) & (x[label_col] == 0)).sum(), (x[rank_col] <= thres).sum( ).astype(float)) group_functions = {'tpr': tpr, 'tnr': tnr, 'for': fomr, 'fdr': fdr, 'fpr': fpr, 'fnr': fnr, 'npv': npv, 'precision': precision, 'pp': predicted_pos_count, 'pn': predicted_neg_count, 'ppr': predicted_pos_ratio_k, 'pprev': predicted_pos_ratio_g, 'fp': false_pos_count, 'fn': false_neg_count, 'tn': true_neg_count, 'tp': true_pos_count} return group_functions
[docs] def get_crosstabs(self, df, score_thresholds=None, model_id=1, attr_cols=None): """ Creates univariate groups and calculates group metrics. :param df: a dataframe containing the following required columns [score, label_value]. :param score_thresholds: dictionary { 'rank_abs':[] , 'rank_pct':[], 'score':[] } :param model_id: the model ID on which to subset the df. :param attr_cols: optional, list of names of columns corresponding to group attributes (i.e., gender, age category, race, etc.). :return: A dataframe of group score, label, and error statistics and absolute bias metric values grouped by unique attribute values """ if not attr_cols: non_attr_cols = ['id', 'model_id', 'entity_id', 'score', 'label_value', 'rank_abs', 'rank_pct'] attr_cols = df.columns[~df.columns.isin(non_attr_cols)] # index of the columns that are # check if all attr_cols exist in df check = [col in df.columns for col in attr_cols] if False in check: raise Exception('get_crosstabs: not all attribute columns provided exist in input dataframe!') # check if all columns are strings: non_string_cols = df.columns[(df.dtypes != object) & (df.dtypes != str) & (df.columns.isin(attr_cols))] if non_string_cols.empty is False: raise Exception('get_crosstabs: input df was not preprocessed. There are non-string cols within attr_cols!') # if no score_thresholds are provided, we assume that rank_abs=number of 1s in the score column count_ones = None # it also serves as flag to set parameter to 'binary' if not score_thresholds: df['score'] = df['score'].astype(float) count_ones = df['score'].value_counts().get(1.0, 0) score_thresholds = {'rank_abs': [count_ones]} print('model_id, score_thresholds', model_id, score_thresholds) df = df.sort_values('score', ascending=False) df['rank_abs'] = range(1, len(df) + 1) df['rank_pct'] = df['rank_abs'] / len(df) dfs = [] prior_dfs = [] # calculate the bias for these columns # not default(non_attr_cols), therefore represent the group variables!'getcrosstabs: attribute columns to perform crosstabs:' + ','.join(attr_cols)) # for each group variable do for col in attr_cols: # find the priors_df col_group = df.fillna({col: ''}).groupby(col) counts = col_group.size() # distinct entities within group value this_prior_df = pd.DataFrame({ 'model_id': [model_id] * len(counts), 'attribute_name': [col] * len(counts), 'attribute_value': counts.index.values, 'group_label_pos': col_group.apply(self.label_pos_count( 'label_value')).values, 'group_label_neg': col_group.apply(self.label_neg_count( 'label_value')).values, 'group_size': counts.values, 'total_entities': [len(df)] * len(counts) }) this_prior_df['prev'] = this_prior_df['group_label_pos'] / this_prior_df['group_size'] # for each model_id and as_of_date the priors_df has length # attribute_names * attribute_values prior_dfs.append(this_prior_df) # we calculate the bias for two different types of score_thresholds # units (percentage ranks and absolute ranks) # YAML ex: thresholds: # rank_abs: [300] # rank_pct: [1.0, 5.0, 10.0] for thres_unit, thres_values in score_thresholds.items(): for thres_val in thres_values: flag = 0 # To discuss with Pedro: believe this might be the reason # for cutoff error - if numbers are cumulative, per # line 149 and line 150, why taking sum for k vs. max? k = (df[thres_unit] <= thres_val).sum() # denote threshold as binary if numeric count_ones value # donate as [rank value]_abs or [rank_value]_pct otherwise score_threshold = 'binary 0/1' if count_ones != None else str(thres_val) + '_' + thres_unit[-3:] for name, func in self.group_functions.items(): func = func(thres_unit, 'label_value', thres_val, k) feat_bias = col_group.apply(func) metrics_df = pd.DataFrame({ 'model_id': [model_id] * len(feat_bias), 'score_threshold': [score_threshold] * len(feat_bias), 'k': [k] * len(feat_bias), 'attribute_name': [col] * len(feat_bias), 'attribute_value': feat_bias.index.values, name: feat_bias.values }) if flag == 0: this_group_df = metrics_df flag = 1 else: this_group_df = this_group_df.merge(metrics_df) dfs.append(this_group_df) groups_df = pd.concat(dfs, ignore_index=True) priors_df = pd.concat(prior_dfs, ignore_index=True) groups_df = groups_df.merge(priors_df, on=['model_id', 'attribute_name', 'attribute_value']) return groups_df, attr_cols
[docs] def list_absolute_metrics(self, df): """ View list of all calculated absolute bias metrics in df """ return df.columns.intersection(['fpr', 'fnr', 'tpr', 'tnr', 'for', 'fdr', 'npv', 'precision', 'ppr', 'pprev', 'prev' ]).tolist()