import logging
import math
import numpy as np
import collections
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.colors
from aequitas import squarify_flipped as sf
__author__ = "Pedro Saleiro <>, Loren Hinkson"
__copyright__ = "Copyright \xa9 2018. The University of Chicago. All Rights Reserved."
# module-level function
[docs]def assemble_ref_groups(disparities_table, ref_group_flag='_ref_group_value',
specific_measures=None, label_score_ref=None):
Creates a dictionary of reference groups for each metric in a data_table.
:param disparities_table: a disparity table. Output of bias.get_disparity or
fairness.get_fairness functions
:param ref_group_flag: string indicating column indicates reference group
flag value. Default is '_ref_group_value'.
:param specific_measures: Limits reference dictionary to only specified
metrics in a data table. Default is None.
:param label_score_ref: Defines a metric, ex: 'fpr' (false positive rate)
from which to mimic reference group for label_value and score. Used for
statistical significance calculations in Bias() class. Default is None.
:return: A dictionary
ref_groups = {}
ref_group_cols = \
if specific_measures:
ref_group_cols = \
[measure + ref_group_flag for measure in specific_measures if
measure + ref_group_flag in ref_group_cols]
attributes = list(disparities_table.attribute_name.unique())
for attribute in attributes:
attr_table = \
disparities_table.loc[disparities_table['attribute_name'] == attribute]
attr_refs = {}
for col in ref_group_cols:
metric_key = "".join(col.split(ref_group_flag))
attr_refs[metric_key] = \
attr_table.loc[attr_table['attribute_name'] == attribute, col].min()
if label_score_ref:
if label_score_ref + ref_group_flag in ref_group_cols:
attr_refs['label_value'] = attr_refs[label_score_ref]
attr_refs['score'] = attr_refs[label_score_ref]
raise ValueError("The specified reference measure for label"
" value and score is not included in the "
"data frame.")
ref_groups[attribute] = attr_refs
return ref_groups
# Plot() class
[docs]class Plot(object):
Plotting object allows for visualization of absolute group bias metrics and
relative disparities calculated by Aequitas Group(), Bias(), and Fairness()
class instances.
default_absolute_metrics = ('pprev', 'ppr', 'fdr', 'for', 'fpr', 'fnr')
default_disparities = ('pprev_disparity', 'ppr_disparity',
'fdr_disparity', 'for_disparity',
'fpr_disparity', 'fnr_disparity')
# Define mapping for conditional coloring based on fairness
# determinations
_metric_parity_mapping = {
'ppr_disparity': 'Statistical Parity',
'pprev_disparity': 'Impact Parity',
'precision_disparity': 'Precision Parity',
'fdr_disparity': 'FDR Parity',
'for_disparity': 'FOR Parity',
'fpr_disparity': 'FPR Parity',
'fnr_disparity': 'FNR Parity',
'tpr_disparity': 'TPR Parity',
'tnr_disparity': 'TNR Parity',
'npv_disparity': 'NPV Parity',
'ppr': 'Statistical Parity',
'pprev': 'Impact Parity',
'precision': 'Precision Parity',
'fdr': 'FDR Parity',
'for': 'FOR Parity',
'fpr': 'FPR Parity',
'fnr': 'FNR Parity',
'tpr': 'TPR Parity',
'tnr': 'TNR Parity',
'npv': 'NPV Parity'
_significance_disparity_mapping = {
'ppr_disparity': 'ppr_significance',
'pprev_disparity': 'pprev_significance',
'precision_disparity': 'precision_significance',
'fdr_disparity': 'fdr_significance',
'for_disparity': 'fnr_significance',
'fpr_disparity': 'fpr_significance',
'fnr_disparity': 'fnr_significance',
'tpr_disparity': 'tpr_significance',
'tnr_disparity': 'tnr_significance',
'npv_disparity': 'npv_significance'
def __init__(self, key_metrics=default_absolute_metrics,
:param key_metrics: Set default absolute group metrics for all subplots
:param key_disparities: Set default disparity metrics for all subplots
self.key_metrics = key_metrics
self.key_disparities = key_disparities
def _nearest_quartile(x):
Return nearest quartile for given value x.
rounded = round(x * 4) / 4
if rounded > x:
return rounded
return rounded + 1 / 4
def _check_brightness(rgb_tuple):
Determine the brightness of background color in a plot.
Adapted from
r, g, b = rgb_tuple
return (r * 299 + g * 587 + b * 114) / 1000
def _brightness_threshold(cls, rgb_tuple, min_brightness, light_color,
Determine ideal plot label color (light or dark) based on brightness of
background color based on a given brightness threshold.
Adapted from
if cls._check_brightness(rgb_tuple) > min_brightness:
return dark_color
return light_color
def _truncate_colormap(orig_cmap, min_value=0.0, max_value=1.0, num_colors=100):
Use only part of a colormap (min_value to max_value) across a given number
of partitions.
:param orig_cmap: an existing Matplotlib colormap.
:param min_value: desired minimum value (0.0 to 1.0) for truncated
colormap. Default is 0.0.
:param max_value: desired maximum value (0.0 to 1.0) for truncated
colormap. Default is 1.0.
:param num_colors: number of colors to spread colormap gradient across
before truncating. Default is 100.
:return: Truncated color map
Attribution: Adapted from:
cmap = plt.get_cmap(orig_cmap)
new_cmap = matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list(
'trunc({n},{a:.2f},{b: .2f})'.format(, a=min_value, b=max_value),
cmap(np.linspace(min_value, max_value, num_colors)))
return new_cmap
def _locate_ref_group_indices(cls, disparities_table, attribute_name, group_metric,
Finds relative index (row) of reference group value for a given metric.
:param disparities_table: a disparity table. Output of bias.get_disparity or
fairness.get_fairness functions.
:param attribute_name: the attribute to plot metric against. Must be a column
in the disparities_table.
:param group_metric: the metric to plot. Must be a column in the
:param ref_group_flag: string indicating column indicates reference group
flag value. Default is '_ref_group_value'.
:return: Integer indicating relative index of reference group value row.
df_models = disparities_table.model_id.unique()
if len(df_models) == 1:
model_id = df_models[0]
raise ValueError('This method requires one and only one model_id in the disparities table. '
'Tip: check disparities_table.model_id.unique() should be just one element list.')
# get absolute metric name from passed group metric (vs. a disparity name)
abs_metric = "".join(group_metric.split('_disparity'))
all_ref_groups = assemble_ref_groups(disparities_table, ref_group_flag)
ref_group_name = all_ref_groups[attribute_name][abs_metric]
# get index for row associated with reference group for that model
ind = list(disparities_table.loc[(disparities_table['attribute_name'] == attribute_name) &
(disparities_table['attribute_value'] == ref_group_name) &
(disparities_table['model_id'] == model_id)].index)
# there should only ever be one item in list, but JIC, select first
if len(ind) == 1:
idx = ind[0]
raise ValueError("""failed to find only one index for the reference group for attribute_name = {attribute_name} and
attribute_value of reference = {ref_group_name} and model_id={model_id}""".format())
relative_ind = disparities_table.index.get_loc(idx)
return relative_ind, ref_group_name
[docs] def plot_group_metric(self, group_table, group_metric, ax=None, ax_lim=None,
title=True, label_dict=None, min_group_size = None):
Plot a single group metric across all attribute groups.
:param group_table: group table. Output of of group.get_crosstabs() or
bias.get_disparity functions.
:param group_metric: the metric to plot. Must be a column in the group_table.
:param ax: a matplotlib Axis. If not passed, a new figure will be created.
:param title: whether to include a title in visualizations. Default is True.
:param label_dict: optional, dictionary of replacement labels for data.
Default is None.
:param min_group_size: minimum size for groups to include in visualization
(as a proportion of total sample)
:return: A Matplotlib axis
df_models = group_table.model_id.unique()
if len(df_models) != 1:
raise ValueError('This method requires one and only one model_id in the disparities table. '
'Tip: check group_table.model_id.unique() should be just one element list.')
if group_metric not in group_table.columns:
raise ValueError(f"Specified disparity metric '{group_metric}' not "
f"in 'group_table'.")
if group_table[group_metric].isnull().any():
raise ValueError(f"Cannot plot {group_metric}, has NaN values.")
if ax is None:
(_fig, ax) = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 5))
height_of_bar = 1
attribute_names = group_table.attribute_name.unique()
tick_indices = []
next_bar_height = 0
if min_group_size:
if min_group_size > (group_table.group_size.max() / group_table.group_size.sum()):
raise ValueError(f"'min_group_size' proportion specified: '{min_group_size}' "
f"is larger than all groups in sample.")
min_size = min_group_size * group_table.group_size.sum()
group_table = group_table.loc[group_table['group_size'] >= min_size]
label_position_values = collections.deque(group_table[group_metric].values)
lighter_coppers = self._truncate_colormap('copper_r', min_value=0,
norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=group_table['group_size'].min(),
mapping =, cmap=lighter_coppers)
# Lock absolute value metric plot x-axis to (0, 1)
if not ax_lim:
ax_lim = 1
ax.set_xlim(0, ax_lim)
for attribute_name in attribute_names:
attribute_data = group_table.loc[
(group_table['attribute_name'] == attribute_name)]
values = attribute_data[group_metric].values
grp_sizes = attribute_data['group_size'].values
attribute_indices = np.arange(next_bar_height,
next_bar_height + attribute_data.shape[0],
attribute_tick_location = float((min(attribute_indices) + max(attribute_indices) + height_of_bar)) / 2
h_attribute = ax.barh(attribute_indices,
# label=list(attribute_data['attribute_value'].values),
align='edge', edgecolor='grey')
label_colors = []
min_brightness = 0.55
for bar, g_size in zip(h_attribute, grp_sizes):
my_col = mapping.to_rgba(g_size)
rgb_tuple=my_col[:3], min_brightness=min_brightness,
light_color=(1, 1, 1, 1)))
if label_dict:
labels = [label_dict.get(label, label) for label in
labels = attribute_data['attribute_value'].values
for y, label, value, text_color, g_size in zip(attribute_indices, labels,
values, label_colors,
next_position = label_position_values.popleft()
group_label = f"{label} ({g_size:,})"
if ax_lim < 3:
label_length = len(label) * CHAR_PLACEHOLDER
max_val_length = 7 * CHAR_PLACEHOLDER
indent_length = ax_lim * 0.025
# bar long enough for label, enough space after bar for value
if ((indent_length + label_length) < (next_position - indent_length)) and (
(next_position + indent_length + max_val_length) < (
ax_lim - indent_length)):
ax.text(next_position + indent_length, y + float(height_of_bar) / 2,
f"{value:.2f}", fontsize=12, verticalalignment='top')
ax.text(indent_length, y + float(height_of_bar) / 2,
group_label, fontsize=11, verticalalignment='top',
# case when bar too long for labels after bar, print all text in bar
elif (next_position + indent_length + max_val_length) > (
ax_lim - indent_length):
ax.text(indent_length, y + float(height_of_bar) / 2,
f"{group_label}, {value:.2f}", fontsize=11,
verticalalignment='top', color=text_color)
# case when bar too small for labels inside bar, print after bar
ax.text(next_position + indent_length, y + float(
height_of_bar) / 2,
f"{group_label}, {value:.2f}", fontsize=12,
tick_indices.append((attribute_name, attribute_tick_location))
next_bar_height = max(attribute_indices) + 2 * height_of_bar
ax.yaxis.set_ticks(list(map(lambda x: x[1], tick_indices)))
ax.yaxis.set_ticklabels(list(map(lambda x: x[0], tick_indices)), fontsize=14)
ax.xaxis.grid(color='lightgray', which='major',linestyle='dashed')
ax.set_xlabel("Absolute Metric Magnitude")
if title:
ax.set_title(f"{group_metric.upper()}", fontsize=20)
return ax
[docs] def plot_disparity(self, disparity_table, group_metric, attribute_name,
color_mapping=None, ax=None, fig=None,
label_dict=None, title=True,
highlight_fairness=False, min_group_size=None,
Create treemap based on a single bias disparity metric across attribute
Adapted from,,
:param disparity_table: a disparity table. Output of bias.get_disparity or
fairness.get_fairness function.
:param group_metric: the metric to plot. Must be a column in the
:param attribute_name: which attribute to plot group_metric across.
:param color_mapping: matplotlib colormapping for treemap value boxes.
:param ax: a matplotlib Axis. If not passed, a new figure will be created.
:param fig: a matplotlib Figure. If not passed, a new figure will be created.
:param label_dict: optional, dictionary of replacement labels for data.
Default is None.
:param title: whether to include a title in visualizations. Default is True.
:param highlight_fairness: whether to highlight treemaps by disparity
magnitude, or by related fairness determination.
:param min_group_size: minimum proportion of total group size (all data)
a population group must meet in order to be included in bias metric
:param significance_alpha: statistical significance level. Used to
determine visual representation of significance (number of
asterisks on treemap).
:return: A Matplotlib axis
# Use matplotlib to truncate colormap, scale metric values
# between the min and max, then assign colors to individual values
df_models = disparity_table.model_id.unique()
if len(df_models) != 1:
raise ValueError('This method requires one and only one model_id in the disparities table. '
'Tip: check disparities_table.model_id.unique() should be just one element list.')
table_columns = set(disparity_table.columns)
if group_metric not in table_columns:
raise ValueError(f"Specified disparity metric {group_metric} not in 'disparity_table'.")
attribute_table = \
disparity_table.loc[disparity_table['attribute_name'] == attribute_name]
# sort by group size, as box size is indicative of group size
sorted_df = attribute_table.sort_values('group_size', ascending=False)
x = 0.
y = 0.
width = 100.
height = 100.
ref_group_rel_idx, ref_group_name = \
if min_group_size:
if min_group_size > (disparity_table.group_size.max() /
raise ValueError(f"'min_group_size' proportion specified: '{min_group_size}' "
f"is larger than all groups in sample.")
min_size = min_group_size * disparity_table.group_size.sum()
# raise warning if minimum group size specified would exclude
# reference group
if any(sorted_df.loc[(sorted_df['attribute_value']==ref_group_name),
['group_size']].values < min_size):
f"Reference group size is smaller than 'min_group_size' proportion "
f"specified: '{min_group_size}'. Reference group '{ref_group_name}' "
f"was not excluded.")
sorted_df = \
sorted_df.loc[(sorted_df['group_size'] >= min_size) |
(sorted_df['attribute_value'] == ref_group_name)]
# select group size as values for size of boxes
values = sorted_df.loc[:, 'group_size']
# get new index for ref group
ref_group_rel_idx, _ = \
# labels for squares in tree map:
# label should always be disparity value (but boxes visualized should be
# always be the metric absolute value capped between 0.1x ref group and
# 10x ref group)
if group_metric + '_disparity' not in attribute_table.columns:
related_disparity = group_metric
related_disparity = group_metric + '_disparity'
if highlight_fairness:
if not len(table_columns.intersection(self._metric_parity_mapping.values())) > 1:
raise ValueError("Data table must include at least one fairness "
"determination to visualize metric parity.")
# apply red for "False" fairness determinations and green for "True"
# determinations
cb_green = '#1b7837'
cb_red = '#a50026'
parity = self._metric_parity_mapping[group_metric]
if (parity not in table_columns):
raise ValueError(
f"Related fairness determination for {group_metric} must be "
f"included in data table to color visualization based on "
f"metric fairness.")
clrs = [cb_green if val else cb_red for val in sorted_df[parity]]
aq_palette = sns.diverging_palette(225, 35, sep=10, as_cmap=True)
if not color_mapping:
norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=2)
color_mapping =, cmap=aq_palette)
clrs = \
[color_mapping.to_rgba(val) for val in sorted_df[related_disparity]]
# color reference group grey
clrs[ref_group_rel_idx] = '#D3D3D3'
compare_value = values.iloc[ref_group_rel_idx]
scaled_values = [(0.1 * compare_value) if val < (0.1 * compare_value) else
(10 * compare_value) if val >= (10 * compare_value) else
val for val in values]
label_values = \
["(Ref)" if attr_val == ref_group_name else
f"{disp:.2f}" for attr_val, disp in
zip(sorted_df['attribute_value'], sorted_df[related_disparity]) ]
if label_dict:
labels = \
[label_dict.get(label, label) for label in sorted_df['attribute_value']]
labels = sorted_df['attribute_value'].values
# if df includes significance columns, add stars to indicate significance
if sorted_df.columns[
sorted_df.columns.str.contains('_significance')].value_counts().sum() > 0:
# unmasked significance
# find indices where related significance have smaller value than significance_alpha
if np.issubdtype(
to_star = sorted_df.loc[
self._significance_disparity_mapping[related_disparity]] < significance_alpha].index.tolist()
# masked significance
# find indices where attr values have True value for each of those two columns,
to_star = sorted_df.loc[
self._significance_disparity_mapping[related_disparity]] > 0].index.tolist()
# add stars to label value where significant
for idx in to_star:
# convert idx location to relative index in sorted df and label_values list
idx_adj = sorted_df.index.get_loc(idx)
# star significant disparities in visualizations based on significance level
if 0.10 >= significance_alpha > 0.05:
significance_stars = '*'
elif 0.05 >= significance_alpha > 0.01:
significance_stars = '**'
elif significance_alpha <= 0.01:
significance_stars = '***'
significance_stars = ''
label_values[idx_adj] = label_values[idx_adj] + significance_stars
normed = sf.normalize_sizes(scaled_values, width, height)
padded_rects = sf.padded_squarify(normed, x, y, width, height)
# make plot
if not ax or not fig:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(5, 4))
ax = sf.squarify_plot_rects(padded_rects, color=clrs, labels=labels,
values=label_values, ax=ax, alpha=0.8,
# TO DO: build out in next phase (model comparison)
# if model_id:
# ax.set_title(f"MODEL {model_id}, {(' ').join(group_metric.split('_')).upper()} ({attribute_name.upper()})",
# fontsize=23, fontweight="bold")
if title:
ax.set_title(f"{(' ').join(related_disparity.split('_')).upper()} ({attribute_name.upper()})",
fontsize=23, fontweight="bold")
if not highlight_fairness:
# create dummy invisible image with a color map to leverage for color bar
img = plt.imshow([[0, 2]], cmap=aq_palette, alpha=0.8)
fig.colorbar(img, orientation="vertical", shrink=.96, ax=ax)
# Remove axes and display the plot
[docs] def plot_fairness_group(self, fairness_table, group_metric, ax=None,
ax_lim=None, title=False, label_dict=None,
This function plots absolute group metrics as indicated by the config file,
colored based on calculated parity.
:param fairness_table: a fairness table. Output of fairness.get_fairness
:param group_metric: the fairness metric to plot. Must be a column in the fairness_table.
:param ax: a matplotlib Axis. If not passed a new figure will be created.
:param ax_lim: maximum value on x-axis, used to match axes across subplots
when plotting multiple metrics. Default is None.
:param title: whether to include a title in visualizations. Default is True.
:param label_dict: optional dictionary of replacement values for data.
Default is None.
:param min_group_size: minimum proportion of total group size (all data)
a population group must meet in order to be included in fairness
:return: A Matplotlib axis
df_models = fairness_table.model_id.unique()
if len(df_models) != 1:
raise ValueError('This method requires one and only one model_id in the disparities table. '
'Tip: check fairness_table.model_id.unique() should be just one element list.')
if group_metric not in fairness_table.columns:
raise ValueError(f"Specified disparity metric {group_metric} not "
f"in 'fairness_table'.")
if fairness_table[group_metric].isnull().any():
raise ValueError(f"Cannot plot {group_metric}, has NaN values.")
if ax is None:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 5))
height_of_bar = 1
attributes = fairness_table.attribute_name.unique()
tick_indices = []
next_bar_height = 0
if min_group_size:
if min_group_size > (fairness_table.group_size.max() / fairness_table.group_size.sum()):
raise ValueError(f"'min_group_size' proportion specified: '{min_group_size}' "
f"is larger than all groups in sample.")
min_size = min_group_size * fairness_table.group_size.sum()
fairness_table = fairness_table.loc[fairness_table['group_size'] >= min_size]
label_position_values = collections.deque(fairness_table[group_metric].values)
# Lock absolute value metric plot x-axis to (0, 1)
if not ax_lim:
ax_lim = 1
ax.set_xlim(0, ax_lim)
for attribute in attributes:
attribute_data = fairness_table.loc[
fairness_table['attribute_name'] == attribute]
values = attribute_data[group_metric].values
grp_sizes = attribute_data['group_size'].values
# apply red for "False" fairness determinations and green for "True"
# determinations
cb_green = '#1b7837'
cb_red = '#a50026'
parity = self._metric_parity_mapping[group_metric]
parity_colors = [cb_green if val else
cb_red for val in attribute_data[parity]]
# Set white text for red bars and black text for green bars
label_colors = [(0, 0, 0, 1) if val == True else
(1, 1, 1, 1) for val in attribute_data[parity]]
attribute_indices = \
np.arange(next_bar_height, next_bar_height + attribute_data.shape[0],
attribute_tick_location = \
float((min(attribute_indices) + max(attribute_indices) +
height_of_bar)) / 2
h_attribute = ax.barh(attribute_indices,
align='edge', edgecolor='grey', alpha=0.8)
if label_dict:
labels = [label_dict.get(label, label) for label in
labels = attribute_data['attribute_value'].values
for y, label, value, text_color, g_size in zip(
attribute_indices, labels, values, label_colors,
next_position = label_position_values.popleft()
if ax_lim < 3:
label_length = len(label) * CHAR_PLACEHOLDER
max_val_length = 7 * CHAR_PLACEHOLDER
indent_length = ax_lim * 0.025
# bar long enough for label, enough space after bar for value
if ((indent_length + label_length) < (next_position - indent_length)) and (
(next_position + indent_length + max_val_length) < (
ax_lim - indent_length)):
ax.text(next_position + indent_length, y + float(height_of_bar) / 2,
f"{value:.2f}", fontsize=12, verticalalignment='top')
ax.text(indent_length, y + float(height_of_bar) / 2,
label, fontsize=11, verticalalignment='top',
# case when bar too long for labels after bar, print all text in bar
elif (next_position + indent_length + max_val_length) > (
ax_lim - indent_length):
ax.text(indent_length, y + float(height_of_bar) / 2,
f"{label}, {value:.2f}", fontsize=11,
verticalalignment='top', color=text_color)
# case when bar too small for labels inside bar, print all text
# after bar
ax.text(next_position + indent_length,
y + float(height_of_bar) / 2,
f"{label}, {value:.2f}", fontsize=12,
tick_indices.append((attribute, attribute_tick_location))
next_bar_height = max(attribute_indices) + 2 * height_of_bar
ax.yaxis.set_ticks(list(map(lambda x: x[1], tick_indices)))
ax.yaxis.set_ticklabels(list(map(lambda x: x[0], tick_indices)), fontsize=14)
ax.xaxis.grid(color='lightgray', which='major', linestyle='dashed')
ax.set_xlabel('Absolute Metric Magnitude')
if title:
ax.set_title(f"{group_metric.upper()}", fontsize=20)
return ax
[docs] def plot_fairness_disparity(self, fairness_table, group_metric,
attribute_name, ax=None, fig=None,
title=True, min_group_size=None,
Plot disparity metrics colored based on calculated disparity.
:param group_metric: the metric to plot. Must be a column in the disparity_table.
:param attribute_name: which attribute to plot group_metric across.
:param ax: a matplotlib Axis. If not passed, a new figure will be created.
:param fig: a matplotlib Figure. If not passed, a new figure will be created.
:param title: whether to include a title in visualizations. Default is True.
:param min_group_size: minimum proportion of total group size (all data)
a population group must meet in order to be included in bias metric
:param significance_alpha: statistical significance level. Used to
determine visual representation of significance (number of
asterisks on treemap).
:return: A Matplotlib axis
df_models = fairness_table.model_id.unique()
if len(df_models) != 1:
raise ValueError('This method requires one and only one model_id in the disparities table. '
'Tip: check fairness_table.model_id.unique() should be just one element list.')
return self.plot_disparity(disparity_table=fairness_table,
ax=ax, fig=fig, highlight_fairness=True,
min_group_size=min_group_size, title=title,
def _plot_multiple(self, data_table, plot_fcn, metrics=None, fillzeros=True,
title=True, ncols=3, label_dict=None, show_figure=True,
This function plots bar charts of absolute metrics indicated by config
:param data_table: output of group.get_crosstabs, bias.get_disparity, or
fairness.get_fairness functions
:param plot_fcn: the single-metric plotting function to use for subplots
:param metrics: which metric(s) to plot, or 'all.' If this value is
null, will plot the following absolute metrics (or related disparity
- Predicted Prevalence (pprev),
- Predicted Positive Rate (ppr),
- False Discovery Rate (fdr),
- False Omission Rate (for),
- False Positive Rate (fpr),
- False Negative Rate (fnr)
:param fillzeros: Should null values be filled with zeros. Default is
:param title: Whether to display a title on each plot. Default is True.
:param ncols: The number of subplots to plot per row visualization
Default is 3.
:param label_dict: Optional dictionary of label replacements. Default is
:param show_figure: Whether to show figure ( Default is
:param min_group_size: Minimum proportion of total group size (all data)
a population group must meet in order to be included in visualization
:return: Returns a figure
df_models = data_table.model_id.unique()
if len(df_models) != 1:
raise ValueError('This method requires one and only one model_id in the disparities table. '
'Tip: check data_table.model_id.unique() should be just one element list.')
if fillzeros:
data_table = data_table.fillna(0)
if plot_fcn in [self.plot_fairness_group, self.plot_group_metric]:
if not metrics:
metrics = \
[met for met in self.key_metrics if met in data_table.columns]
elif metrics == 'all':
all_abs_metrics = ('pprev', 'ppr', 'fdr', 'for', 'fpr', 'fnr',
'tpr', 'tnr', 'npv', 'precision')
metrics = \
[met for met in all_abs_metrics if met in data_table.columns]
ax_lim = 1
# elif plot_fcn in [self.plot_fairness_disparity, self.plot_disparity]:
if not metrics:
metrics = \
[disp for disp in self.key_disparities if disp in data_table.columns]
elif metrics == 'all':
metrics = \
ax_lim = min(10, self._nearest_quartile(max(data_table[metrics].max())) + 0.1)
num_metrics = len(metrics)
rows = math.ceil(num_metrics / ncols)
if ncols == 1 or (num_metrics % ncols == 0):
axes_to_remove = 0
axes_to_remove = ncols - (num_metrics % ncols)
if not (0 < rows <= num_metrics):
raise ValueError (
"Plot must have at least one row. Please update number of columns"
" ('ncols') or check that at least one metric is specified in "
if not (0 < ncols <= num_metrics):
raise ValueError(
"Plot must have at least one column, and no more columns than "
"subplots. Please update number of columns ('ncols') or check "
"that at least one metric is specified in 'metrics'.")
total_plot_width = 25
fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=rows, ncols=ncols,
figsize=(total_plot_width, 6 * rows),
gridspec_kw={'wspace': 0.075, 'hspace': 0.25})
# set a different metric to be plotted in each subplot
ax_col = 0
ax_row = 0
for group_metric in metrics:
if (ax_col >= ncols) and ((ax_col + 1) % ncols) == 1:
ax_row += 1
ax_col = 0
if rows == 1:
current_subplot = axs[ax_col]
elif ncols == 1:
current_subplot = axs[ax_row]
ax_row += 1
current_subplot = axs[ax_row, ax_col]
plot_fcn(data_table, group_metric=group_metric, ax=current_subplot,
ax_lim=ax_lim, title=title, label_dict=label_dict,
ax_col += 1
# disable axes not being used
if axes_to_remove > 0:
for i in np.arange(axes_to_remove):
axs[-1, -(i + 1)].axis('off')
if show_figure:
return fig
def _plot_multiple_treemaps(self, data_table, plot_fcn, attributes=None,
metrics=None, fillzeros=True, title=True,
label_dict=None, highlight_fairness=False,
show_figure=True, min_group_size=None,
This function plots treemaps of disparities indicated by config file
:param data_table: output of bias.get_disparity, or fairness.get_fairness
:param plot_fcn: Plotting function to use to plot individual disparity
or fairness treemaps in grid
:param attributes: which attributes to plot against. Must be specified
if no metrics specified.
:param metrics: which metric(s) to plot, or 'all.' MUST be specified if
no attributes specified. If this value is null, the following
absolute metrics/ related disparity measures will be plotted against
specified attributes:
- Predicted Prevalence (pprev),
- Predicted Positive Rate (ppr),
- False Discovery Rate (fdr),
- False Omission Rate (for),
- False Positive Rate (fpr),
- False Negative Rate (fnr)
:param fillzeros: Whether null values should be filled with zeros. Default
is True.
:param title: Whether to display a title on each plot. Default is True.
:param label_dict: Optional dictionary of label replacements. Default is
:param highlight_fairness: Whether to highlight treemaps by disparity
magnitude, or by related fairness determination.
:param show_figure: Whether to show figure ( Default is True.
:param min_group_size: Minimum proportion of total group size (all data)
a population group must meet in order to be included in visualization
:param significance_alpha: statistical significance level. Used to
determine visual representation of significance (number of
asterisks on treemap).
:return: Returns a figure
df_models = data_table.model_id.unique()
if len(df_models) != 1:
raise ValueError('This method requires one and only one model_id in the disparities table. '
'Tip: check disparities_table.model_id.unique() should be just one element list.')
if fillzeros:
data_table = data_table.fillna(0)
if all(v is None for v in [attributes, metrics]):
raise ValueError("One of the following parameters must be specified: " \
"'attribute', 'metrics'.")
if attributes:
if not metrics:
metrics = [abs_m for abs_m in self.key_metrics if
abs_m in data_table.columns]
# metrics = list(set(self.input_group_metrics) &
# set(data_table.columns))
elif metrics == 'all':
all_abs_metrics = ['tpr_disparity', 'tnr_disparity', 'for_disparity',
'fdr_disparity', 'fpr_disparity', 'fnr_disparity',
'npv_disparity', 'precision_disparity',
'ppr_disparity', 'pprev_disparity']
metrics = \
[abs_m for abs_m in all_abs_metrics if abs_m in data_table.columns]
viz_title = \
f"DISPARITY METRICS by {(', ').join(list(map(lambda x:x.upper(), attributes)))}"
elif not attributes:
attributes = list(data_table.attribute_name.unique())
if metrics == 'all':
all_disparities = ['tpr_disparity', 'tnr_disparity', 'for_disparity',
'fdr_disparity', 'fpr_disparity', 'fnr_disparity',
'npv_disparity', 'precision_disparity',
'ppr_disparity', 'pprev_disparity']
metrics = [disparity for disparity in all_disparities if
disparity in data_table.columns]
viz_title = f"{(', ').join(map(lambda x:x.upper(), metrics))} " \
num_metrics = len(attributes) * len(metrics)
if num_metrics > 1:
ncols = 3
ncols = 1
rows = math.ceil(num_metrics / ncols)
if ncols == 1 or (num_metrics % ncols == 0):
axes_to_remove = 0
axes_to_remove = ncols - (num_metrics % ncols)
if not (0 < rows <= num_metrics):
raise ValueError (
"Plot must have at least one row. Please update number of columns"
" ('ncols'), the list of metrics to be plotted ('metrics'), or "
"the list of attributes to plot disparity metrics across.")
if not (0 < ncols <= num_metrics):
raise ValueError(
"Plot must have at least one column, and no more columns than "
"plots. Please update number of columns ('ncols'), the list of "
"metrics to be plotted ('metrics'), or the list of attributes to "
"plot disparity metrics across.")
total_plot_width = 25
fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=rows, ncols=ncols,
figsize=(total_plot_width, 8 * rows),
gridspec_kw={'wspace': 0.025, 'hspace': 0.5},
subplot_kw={'aspect': 'equal'})
if highlight_fairness:
mapping = None
aq_palette = sns.diverging_palette(225, 35, sep=10, as_cmap=True)
norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=2)
mapping =, cmap=aq_palette)
# set a different metric to be plotted in each subplot
ax_col = 0
ax_row = 0
for group_metric in metrics:
for attr in attributes:
if (ax_col >= ncols) and ((ax_col + 1) % ncols) == 1:
ax_row += 1
ax_col = 0
if num_metrics == 1:
current_subplot = axs
elif (num_metrics > 1) and (rows == 1):
current_subplot = axs[ax_col]
elif (num_metrics > 1) and (ncols == 1):
current_subplot = axs[ax_row]
ax_row += 1
current_subplot = axs[ax_row, ax_col]
plot_fcn(data_table, group_metric=group_metric,
attribute_name=attr, color_mapping=mapping,
ax=current_subplot, fig=fig, title=title,
min_group_size=min_group_size, significance_alpha=significance_alpha)
ax_col += 1
# disable axes not being used
if axes_to_remove > 0:
for i in np.arange(axes_to_remove):
axs[-1, -(i + 1)].axis('off')
plt.suptitle(f"{viz_title}", fontsize=25, fontweight="bold")
# fig.tight_layout()
if rows > 2:
if show_figure:
return fig
[docs] def plot_group_metric_all(self, data_table, metrics=None, fillzeros=True,
ncols=3, title=True, label_dict=None,
show_figure=True, min_group_size=None):
Plot multiple metrics at once from a fairness object table.
:param data_table: output of group.get_crosstabs, bias.get_disparity, or
fairness.get_fairness functions.
:param metrics: which metric(s) to plot, or 'all.'
If this value is null, will plot:
- Predicted Prevalence (pprev),
- Predicted Positive Rate (ppr),
- False Discovery Rate (fdr),
- False Omission Rate (for),
- False Positive Rate (fpr),
- False Negative Rate (fnr)
:param fillzeros: whether to fill null values with zeros. Default is
:param ncols: number of subplots per row in figure. Default is 3.
:param title: whether to display a title on each plot. Default is True.
:param label_dict: optional dictionary of label replacements. Default is None.
:param show_figure: whether to show figure ( Default is True.
:param min_group_size: minimum proportion of total group size (all data)
a population group must meet in order to be included in group metric
:return: A Matplotlib figure
return self._plot_multiple(
data_table, plot_fcn=self.plot_group_metric, metrics=metrics,
fillzeros=fillzeros, title=title, ncols=ncols, label_dict=label_dict,
show_figure=show_figure, min_group_size=min_group_size)
[docs] def plot_disparity_all(self, data_table, attributes=None, metrics=None,
fillzeros=True, title=True, label_dict=None, ncols=3,
show_figure=True, min_group_size=None,
Plot multiple metrics at once from a fairness object table.
:param data_table: output of group.get_crosstabs, bias.get_disparity, or
fairness.get_fairness functions.
:param attributes: which attribute(s) to plot metrics for. If this
value is null, will plot metrics against all attributes.
:param metrics: which metric(s) to plot, or 'all.'
If this value is null, will plot:
- Predicted Prevalence Disparity (pprev_disparity),
- Predicted Positive Rate Disparity (ppr_disparity),
- False Discovery Rate Disparity (fdr_disparity),
- False Omission Rate Disparity (for_disparity),
- False Positive Rate Disparity (fpr_disparity),
- False Negative Rate Disparity (fnr_disparity)
:param fillzeros: whether to fill null values with zeros. Default is True.
:param title: whether to display a title on each plot. Default is True.
:param label_dict: optional dictionary of label replacements. Default is
:param show_figure: whether to show figure ( Default is True.
:param min_group_size: minimum proportion of total group size (all data)
a population group must meet in order to be included in metric
:param significance_alpha: statistical significance level. Used to
determine visual representation of significance (number of
asterisks on treemap).
:return: A Matplotlib figure
return self._plot_multiple_treemaps(
data_table, plot_fcn=self.plot_disparity, attributes=attributes,
metrics=metrics, fillzeros=fillzeros, label_dict=label_dict,
highlight_fairness=False, show_figure=show_figure, title=title,
min_group_size=min_group_size, significance_alpha=significance_alpha)
[docs] def plot_fairness_group_all(self, fairness_table, metrics=None, fillzeros=True,
ncols=3, title=True, label_dict=None,
show_figure=True, min_group_size=None):
Plot multiple metrics at once from a fairness object table.
:param fairness_table: output of fairness.get_fairness functions.
:param metrics: which metric(s) to plot, or 'all.'
If this value is null, will plot:
- Predicted Prevalence (pprev),
- Predicted Positive Rate (ppr),
- False Discovery Rate (fdr),
- False Omission Rate (for),
- False Positive Rate (fpr),
- False Negative Rate (fnr)
:param fillzeros: whether to fill null values with zeros. Default is True.
:param ncols: number of subplots per row in figure. Default is 3.
:param title: whether to display a title on each plot. Default is True.
:param label_dict: optional dictionary of label replacements. Default is
:param show_figure: whether to show figure ( Default is True.
:param min_group_size: minimum proportion of total group size (all data).
a population group must meet in order to be included in fairness
:return: A Matplotlib figure
return self._plot_multiple(
fairness_table, plot_fcn=self.plot_fairness_group, metrics=metrics,
fillzeros=fillzeros, title=title, ncols=ncols, label_dict=label_dict,
show_figure=show_figure, min_group_size=min_group_size)
[docs] def plot_fairness_disparity_all(self, fairness_table, attributes=None,
metrics=None, fillzeros=True, title=True,
label_dict=None, show_figure=True,
min_group_size=None, significance_alpha=0.05):
Plot multiple metrics at once from a fairness object table.
:param fairness_table: output of fairness.get_fairness functions.
:param attributes: which attribute(s) to plot metrics for. If this value is null, will plot metrics against all attributes.
:param metrics: which metric(s) to plot, or 'all.'
If this value is null, will plot:
- Predicted Prevalence Disparity (pprev_disparity),
- Predicted Positive Rate Disparity (ppr_disparity),
- False Discovery Rate Disparity (fdr_disparity),
- False Omission Rate Disparity (for_disparity),
- False Positive Rate Disparity (fpr_disparity),
- False Negative Rate Disparity (fnr_disparity)
:param fillzeros: whether to fill null values with zeros. Default is True.
:param title: whether to display a title on each plot. Default is True.
:param label_dict: optional dictionary of label replacements. Default is
:param show_figure: whether to show figure ( Default is True.
:param min_group_size: minimum proportion of total group size (all data)
a population group must meet in order to be included in fairness
:param significance_alpha: statistical significance level. Used to
determine visual representation of significance (number of
asterisks on treemap)
:return: A Matplotlib figure
return self._plot_multiple_treemaps(
fairness_table, plot_fcn=self.plot_disparity, attributes=attributes,
metrics=metrics, fillzeros=fillzeros, label_dict=label_dict,
title=title, highlight_fairness=True, show_figure=show_figure,
min_group_size=min_group_size, significance_alpha=significance_alpha)