COMPAS Analysis using Aequitas

Recent work in the Machine Learning community has raised concerns about the risk of unintended bias in Algorithmic Decision-Making systems, affecting individuals unfairly. While many bias metrics and fairness definitions have been proposed in recent years, the community has not reached a consensus on which definitions and metrics should be used, and there has been very little empirical analyses of real-world problems using the proposed metrics.

We present the Aequitas toolkit as an intuitive addition to the machine learning workflow, enabling users to to seamlessly test models for several bias and fairness metrics in relation to multiple population groups. We believe the tool will faciliate informed and equitable decision-making around developing and deploying predictive risk-assessment tools for both machine learnining practitioners and policymakers, allowing researchers and program managers to answer a host of questions related to machine learning models, including:

We apply the toolkit to the COMPAS dataset reported on by ProPublica below.


In 2016, ProPublica reported on racial inequality in automated criminal risk assessment algorithms. The report is based on this analysis. Using a clean version of the COMPAS dataset from the ProPublica GitHub repo, we demostrate the use of the Aequitas bias reporting tool.

Northpointe’s COMPAS (Correctional Offender Management Profiling for Alternative Sanctions) is one of the most widesly utilized risk assessment tools/ algorithms within the criminal justice system for guiding decisions such as how to set bail. The ProPublica dataset represents two years of COMPAS predicitons from Broward County, FL.

import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
from import Group
from aequitas.bias import Bias
from aequitas.fairness import Fairness
from aequitas.plotting import Plot

import warnings; warnings.simplefilter('ignore')

%matplotlib inline
/Users/lorenh/Documents/DSaPP/.aequitas/lib/python3.6/importlib/ RuntimeWarning: numpy.dtype size changed, may indicate binary incompatibility. Expected 96, got 88
  return f(*args, **kwds)
df = pd.read_csv("../../../examples/data/compas_for_aequitas.csv")
entity_id score label_value race sex age_cat
0 1 0.0 0 Other Male Greater than 45
1 3 0.0 1 African-American Male 25 - 45
2 4 0.0 1 African-American Male Less than 25
3 5 1.0 0 African-American Male Less than 25
4 6 0.0 0 Other Male 25 - 45
(7214, 6)

Pre-Aequitas: Exploring the COMPAS Dataset

Risk assessment by race

COMPAS produces a risk score that predicts a person’s likelihood of commiting a crime in the next two years. The output is a score between 1 and 10 that maps to low, medium or high. For Aequitas, we collapse this to a binary prediction. A score of 0 indicates a prediction of “low” risk according to COMPAS, while a 1 indicates “high” or “medium” risk.

This categorization is based on ProPublica’s interpretation of Northpointe’s practioner guide:

"According to Northpointe’s practitioners guide, COMPAS “scores in the medium and high range
garner more interest from supervision agencies than low scores, as a low score would suggest
there is little risk of general recidivism,” so we considered scores any higher than “low” to
indicate a risk of recidivism."

In the bar charts below, we see a large difference in how these scores are distributed by race, with a majority of white and Hispanic people predicted as low risk (score = 0) and a majority of black people predicted high and medium risk (score = 1). We also see that while the majority of people in age categories over 25 are predicted as low risk (score = 0), the majority of people below 25 are predicted as high and medium risk (score = 1).

aq_palette = sns.diverging_palette(225, 35, n=2)
by_race = sns.countplot(x="race", hue="score", data=df[df.race.isin(['African-American', 'Caucasian', 'Hispanic'])], palette=aq_palette)
by_sex = sns.countplot(x="sex", hue="score", data=df, palette=aq_palette)
by_age = sns.countplot(x="age_cat", hue="score", data=df, palette=aq_palette)

Levels of recidivism

This dataset includes information about whether or not the subject recidivated, and so we can directly test the accuracy of the predictions. First, we visualize the recidivsm rates across race.

Following ProPublica, we defined recidivism as a new arrest within two years. (If a person recidivates, label_value = 1). They “based this decision on Northpointe’s practitioners guide, which says that its recidivism score is meant to predict ‘a new misdemeanor or felony offense within two years of the COMPAS administration date.’”

label_by_race = sns.countplot(x="race", hue="label_value", data=df[df.race.isin(['African-American', 'Caucasian', 'Hispanic'])], palette=aq_palette)
label_by_age = sns.countplot(x="sex", hue="label_value", data=df, palette=aq_palette)
label_by_sex = sns.countplot(x="age_cat", hue="label_value", data=df, palette=aq_palette)

Putting Aequitas to the task

The graphs above show the base rates for recidivism are higher for black defendants compared to white defendants (.51 vs .39), though the predictions do not match the base rates.

Practitioners face the challenge of determining whether or not such patterns reflect bias or not. The fact that there are multiple ways to measure bias adds complexity to the decision-making process. With Aequitas, we provide a tool that automates the reporting of various fairness metrics to aid in this process.

Applying Aequitas progammatically is a three step process represented by three python classes:

Group(): Define groups

Bias(): Calculate disparities

Fairness(): Assert fairness

Each class builds on the previous one expanding the output DataFrame.

Data Formatting

Data for this example was preprocessed for compatibility with Aequitas. The Aequitas tool always requires a ``score`` column and requires a binary ``label_value`` column for supervised metrics, (i.e., False Discovery Rate, False Positive Rate, False Omission Rate, and False Negative Rate).

Preprocessing includes but is not limited to checking for mandatory score and label_value columns as well as at least one column representing attributes specific to the data set. See documentation for more information about input data.

Note that while entity_id is not necessary for this example, Aequitas recognizes entity_id as a reserve column name and will not recognize it as an attribute column.

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What biases exist in my model?

Aequitas Group() Class

What is the distribution of groups, predicted scores, and labels across my dataset?

Aequitas’s Group() class enables researchers to evaluate biases across all subgroups in their dataset by assembling a confusion matrix of each subgroup, calculating commonly used metrics such as false positive rate and false omission rate, as well as counts by group and group prevelance among the sample population.

The ``get_crosstabs()`` method tabulates a confusion matrix for each subgroup and calculates commonly used metrics such as false positive rate and false omission rate. It also provides counts by group and group prevelances.

Group Counts Calculated:

Count Type

Column Name

False Positive Count


False Negative Count


True Negative Count


True Positive Count


Predicted Positive Count


Predicted Negative Count


Count of Negative Labels in Group


Count of Positive Labels in Group


Group Size


Total Entities


Absolute Metrics Calculated:


Column Name

True Positive Rate


True Negative Rate


False Omission Rate


False Discovery Rate


False Positive Rate


False Negative Rate


Negative Predictive Value




Predicted Positive Ratio_k


Predicted Positive Ratio_g


Group Prevalence


Note: The ``get_crosstabs()`` method expects a dataframe with predefined columns score, and label_value and treats other columns (with a few exceptions) as attributes against which to test for disparities. In this case, we include race, sex and age_cat.

g = Group()
xtab, _ = g.get_crosstabs(df)
model_id, score_thresholds 1 {'rank_abs': [3317]}
COUNTS::: race
African-American    3696
Asian                 32
Caucasian           2454
Hispanic             637
Native American       18
Other                377
dtype: int64
COUNTS::: sex
Female    1395
Male      5819
dtype: int64
COUNTS::: age_cat
25 - 45            4109
Greater than 45    1576
Less than 25       1529
dtype: int64

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What are bias metrics across groups?

Once you have run the Group() class ``get_crosstabs()`` method, you’ll have a dataframe of the group counts and group value bias metrics.

The Group() class has a ``list_absolute_metrics()`` method, which you can use for faster slicing to view just counts or bias metrics.

absolute_metrics = g.list_absolute_metrics(xtab)

View calculated counts across sample population groups

xtab[[col for col in xtab.columns if col not in absolute_metrics]]
attribute_name attribute_value k model_id score_threshold pp pn fp fn tn tp group_label_neg group_label_pos group_size total_entities
0 race African-American 3317 1 binary 0/1 2174 1522 805 532 990 1369 1795 1901 3696 7214
1 race Asian 3317 1 binary 0/1 8 24 2 3 21 6 23 9 32 7214
2 race Caucasian 3317 1 binary 0/1 854 1600 349 461 1139 505 1488 966 2454 7214
3 race Hispanic 3317 1 binary 0/1 190 447 87 129 318 103 405 232 637 7214
4 race Native American 3317 1 binary 0/1 12 6 3 1 5 9 8 10 18 7214
5 race Other 3317 1 binary 0/1 79 298 36 90 208 43 244 133 377 7214
6 sex Female 3317 1 binary 0/1 591 804 288 195 609 303 897 498 1395 7214
7 sex Male 3317 1 binary 0/1 2726 3093 994 1021 2072 1732 3066 2753 5819 7214
8 age_cat 25 - 45 3317 1 binary 0/1 1924 2185 741 706 1479 1183 2220 1889 4109 7214
9 age_cat Greater than 45 3317 1 binary 0/1 394 1182 181 285 897 213 1078 498 1576 7214
10 age_cat Less than 25 3317 1 binary 0/1 999 530 360 225 305 639 665 864 1529 7214

View calculated absolute metrics for each sample population group

xtab[['attribute_name', 'attribute_value'] + absolute_metrics].round(2)
attribute_name attribute_value tpr tnr for fdr fpr fnr npv precision ppr pprev prev
0 race African-American 0.72 0.55 0.35 0.37 0.45 0.28 0.65 0.63 0.66 0.59 0.51
1 race Asian 0.67 0.91 0.12 0.25 0.09 0.33 0.88 0.75 0.00 0.25 0.28
2 race Caucasian 0.52 0.77 0.29 0.41 0.23 0.48 0.71 0.59 0.26 0.35 0.39
3 race Hispanic 0.44 0.79 0.29 0.46 0.21 0.56 0.71 0.54 0.06 0.30 0.36
4 race Native American 0.90 0.62 0.17 0.25 0.38 0.10 0.83 0.75 0.00 0.67 0.56
5 race Other 0.32 0.85 0.30 0.46 0.15 0.68 0.70 0.54 0.02 0.21 0.35
6 sex Female 0.61 0.68 0.24 0.49 0.32 0.39 0.76 0.51 0.18 0.42 0.36
7 sex Male 0.63 0.68 0.33 0.36 0.32 0.37 0.67 0.64 0.82 0.47 0.47
8 age_cat 25 - 45 0.63 0.67 0.32 0.39 0.33 0.37 0.68 0.61 0.58 0.47 0.46
9 age_cat Greater than 45 0.43 0.83 0.24 0.46 0.17 0.57 0.76 0.54 0.12 0.25 0.32
10 age_cat Less than 25 0.74 0.46 0.42 0.36 0.54 0.26 0.58 0.64 0.30 0.65 0.57

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How do I interpret biases in my model?

In the slice of the crosstab dataframe created by the Group() class ``get_crosstabs()`` method directly above, we see that African-Americans have a false positive rate (fpr) of 45%, while Caucasians have a false positive rate of only 23%. This means that African-American people are far more likely to be falsely labeled as high-risk than white people. On the other hand, false ommision rates (for) and false discovery rates (fdr) are much closer for those two groups.

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How do I visualize bias in my model?

Absolute group bias metrics metrics from the crosstab dataframe created by the Group() class ``get_crosstabs()`` can be visualized with two methods in the Aequitas Plot() class.

One metric can be specified with ``plot_group_metric()``, or a list of particular metrics of interest (or 'all' metrics) can be plotted with ``plot_group_metric_all()``.

aqp = Plot()

Visualizing a single absolute group metric across all population groups

The chart below displays group metric False Negative Rate (fnr) calculated across each attribute, colored based on number of samples in the attribute group.

We can see from the longer bars that across ‘age_cat’, ‘sex’, and ‘race’ attributes, the groups COMPAS incorrectly predicts as ‘low’ or ‘medium’ risk most often are 25-45, Male, and African American. From the darker coloring, we can also tell that these are the three largest populations in the data set.

fnr = aqp.plot_group_metric(xtab, 'fnr')

View group metrics for only groups over a certain size threshold

Extremely small group sizes increase standard error of estimates, and could be factors in prediction error such as false negatives. Use the min_group parameter to vizualize only those sample population groups above a user-specified percentage of the total sample size. When we remove groups below 5% of the sample size, we are left with only two of the six ‘race’ groups, as there are much smaller groups in that attribute category than in ‘sex’ or ‘age_cat’ (age cateogry).

fnr = aqp.plot_group_metric(xtab, 'fnr', min_group_size=0.05)

Visualizing multiple user-specified absolute group metrics across all population groups

The charts below display the all calculated group metrics across each attribute, colored based on absolute metric magnitude.

We can see that the largest ‘race’ group, African Americans, are predicted positive more often than any other race group (predicted positive rate PPR of 0.66), and are more likely to be incorrectly classified as ‘high’ risk (false positive rate FPR of 0.45) than incorrectly classified as ‘low’ or ‘medium’ risk (false negative rate FNR of 0.28). Note that Native Americans are predicted positive at a higher prevalence PPREVin relation to their group size than all other ‘race groups’ (predicted prevalence of 0.67).

p = aqp.plot_group_metric_all(xtab, metrics=['ppr','pprev','fnr','fpr'], ncols=4)

Visualizing default absolute group metrics across all population groups

Default absolute group metrics

When visualizing more than one absolute group metric, you can specify a list of metrics, specify 'all' metrics, or use the Aequitas default metrics by not supplying an argument: - Predicted Positive Group Rate Disparity (pprev), - Predicted Positive Rate Disparity (ppr),
- False Discovery Rate (fdr), - False Omission Rate (for) - False Positive Rate (fpr) - False Negative Rate (fnr)

The charts below display the default group metrics calculated across each attribute, colored based on number of samples in the attribute group.

Note that the 45+ age category is almost twice as likely to be incorrectly included in an intervention group (false discovery rate FDR of 0.46) than incorrectly excluded from intervention (false omission rate FOR 0.24). We can also see that the model is equally likely to predict a woman as ‘high’ risk as it is for a man (false positive rate FPR of 0.32 for both Male and Female).

a = aqp.plot_group_metric_all(xtab, ncols=3)

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What levels of disparity exist between population groups?

Aequitas Bias() Class

We use the Aequitas Bias() class to calculate disparities between groups based on the crosstab returned by the Group() class ``get_crosstabs()`` method described above. Disparities are calculated as a ratio of a metric for a group of interest compared to a base group. For example, the False Negative Rate Disparity for black defendants vis-a-vis whites is:

Disparity_{FNR} =  \frac{FNR_{black}}{FNR_{white}}

Below, we use ``get_disparity_predefined_groups()`` which allows us to choose reference groups that clarify the output for the practitioner.

The Aequitas Bias() class includes two additional get disparity functions: ``get_disparity_major_group()`` and ``get_disparity_min_metric()``, which automate base group selection based on sample majority (across each attribute) and minimum value for each calculated bias metric, respectively.

The ``get_disparity_predefined_groups()`` allows user to define a base group for each attribute, as illustrated below.

Disparities Calculated Calcuated:


Column Name

True Positive Rate Disparity


True Negative Rate


False Omission Rate


False Discovery Rate


False Positive Rate


False NegativeRate


Negative Predictive Value


Precision Disparity


Predicted Positive Ratio_k Disparity


Predicted Positive Ratio_g Disparity


Columns for each disparity are appended to the crosstab dataframe, along with a column indicating the reference group for each calculated metric (denoted by [METRIC NAME]_ref_group_value). We see a slice of the dataframe with calculated metrics in the next section.

b = Bias()

Disparities calculated in relation to a user-specified group for each attribute

bdf = b.get_disparity_predefined_groups(xtab, original_df=df, ref_groups_dict={'race':'Caucasian', 'sex':'Male', 'age_cat':'25 - 45'}, alpha=0.05, mask_significance=True)
attribute_name attribute_value k model_id score_threshold tpr tnr for fdr fpr fnr npv precision pp pn ppr pprev fp fn tn tp group_label_neg group_label_pos group_size total_entities prev label_value_significance score_significance fdr_disparity fdr_ref_group_value fdr_significance fnr_disparity fnr_ref_group_value fnr_significance for_disparity for_ref_group_value for_significance fpr_disparity fpr_ref_group_value fpr_significance npv_disparity npv_ref_group_value npv_significance ppr_disparity ppr_ref_group_value ppr_significance pprev_disparity pprev_ref_group_value pprev_significance precision_disparity precision_ref_group_value precision_significance tnr_disparity tnr_ref_group_value tnr_significance tpr_disparity tpr_ref_group_value tpr_significance
0 race African-American 3317 1 binary 0/1 0.720147 0.551532 0.34954 0.370285 0.448468 0.279853 0.65046 0.629715 2174 1522 0.655412 0.588203 805 532 990 1369 1795 1901 3696 7214 0.51434 True True 0.906085 Caucasian False 0.586416 Caucasian True 1.21315 Caucasian True 1.91209 Caucasian False 0.913728 Caucasian True 2.54567 Caucasian True 1.69022 Caucasian True 1.0649 Caucasian False 0.720526 Caucasian False 1.37755 Caucasian True
1 race Asian 3317 1 binary 0/1 0.666667 0.913043 0.125 0.25 0.0869565 0.333333 0.875 0.75 8 24 0.00241182 0.25 2 3 21 6 23 9 32 7214 0.28125 False False 0.611748 Caucasian False 0.698482 Caucasian False 0.433839 Caucasian False 0.370749 Caucasian False 1.22915 Caucasian False 0.00936768 Caucasian False 0.718384 Caucasian False 1.26832 Caucasian False 1.19281 Caucasian False 1.27525 Caucasian False
2 race Caucasian 3317 1 binary 0/1 0.522774 0.765457 0.288125 0.408665 0.234543 0.477226 0.711875 0.591335 854 1600 0.257462 0.348003 349 461 1139 505 1488 966 2454 7214 0.393643 False False 1 Caucasian False 1 Caucasian False 1 Caucasian False 1 Caucasian False 1 Caucasian False 1 Caucasian False 1 Caucasian False 1 Caucasian False 1 Caucasian False 1 Caucasian False
3 race Hispanic 3317 1 binary 0/1 0.443966 0.785185 0.288591 0.457895 0.214815 0.556034 0.711409 0.542105 190 447 0.0572807 0.298273 87 129 318 103 405 232 637 7214 0.364207 False True 1.12046 Caucasian False 1.16514 Caucasian False 1.00162 Caucasian False 0.915887 Caucasian False 0.999346 Caucasian False 0.222482 Caucasian True 0.857099 Caucasian True 0.916748 Caucasian False 1.02577 Caucasian False 0.849249 Caucasian False
4 race Native American 3317 1 binary 0/1 0.9 0.625 0.166667 0.25 0.375 0.1 0.833333 0.75 12 6 0.00361773 0.666667 3 1 5 9 8 10 18 7214 0.555556 False True 0.611748 Caucasian False 0.209544 Caucasian False 0.578453 Caucasian False 1.59885 Caucasian False 1.17062 Caucasian False 0.0140515 Caucasian True 1.91569 Caucasian True 1.26832 Caucasian False 0.816506 Caucasian False 1.72158 Caucasian False
5 race Other 3317 1 binary 0/1 0.323308 0.852459 0.302013 0.455696 0.147541 0.676692 0.697987 0.544304 79 298 0.0238167 0.209549 36 90 208 43 244 133 377 7214 0.352785 False True 1.11508 Caucasian False 1.41797 Caucasian False 1.0482 Caucasian False 0.629057 Caucasian False 0.98049 Caucasian False 0.0925059 Caucasian True 0.602147 Caucasian True 0.920466 Caucasian False 1.11366 Caucasian False 0.618447 Caucasian False
6 sex Female 3317 1 binary 0/1 0.608434 0.67893 0.242537 0.48731 0.32107 0.391566 0.757463 0.51269 591 804 0.178173 0.423656 288 195 609 303 897 498 1395 7214 0.356989 True True 1.33642 Male True 1.05581 Male True 0.734738 Male True 0.990343 Male True 1.13071 Male True 0.216801 Male True 0.904348 Male True 0.806925 Male True 1.00463 Male True 0.967101 Male True
7 sex Male 3317 1 binary 0/1 0.629132 0.675799 0.3301 0.364637 0.324201 0.370868 0.6699 0.635363 2726 3093 0.821827 0.468465 994 1021 2072 1732 3066 2753 5819 7214 0.473105 False False 1 Male False 1 Male False 1 Male False 1 Male False 1 Male False 1 Male False 1 Male False 1 Male False 1 Male False 1 Male False
8 age_cat 25 - 45 3317 1 binary 0/1 0.626257 0.666216 0.323112 0.385135 0.333784 0.373743 0.676888 0.614865 1924 2185 0.580042 0.46824 741 706 1479 1183 2220 1889 4109 7214 0.459723 False False 1 25 - 45 False 1 25 - 45 False 1 25 - 45 False 1 25 - 45 False 1 25 - 45 False 1 25 - 45 False 1 25 - 45 False 1 25 - 45 False 1 25 - 45 False 1 25 - 45 False
9 age_cat Greater than 45 3317 1 binary 0/1 0.427711 0.832096 0.241117 0.459391 0.167904 0.572289 0.758883 0.540609 394 1182 0.118782 0.25 181 285 897 213 1078 498 1576 7214 0.31599 True True 1.1928 25 - 45 True 1.53124 25 - 45 True 0.746232 25 - 45 True 0.503031 25 - 45 True 1.12114 25 - 45 True 0.204782 25 - 45 True 0.533914 25 - 45 True 0.879232 25 - 45 True 1.24899 25 - 45 True 0.682963 25 - 45 True
10 age_cat Less than 25 3317 1 binary 0/1 0.739583 0.458647 0.424528 0.36036 0.541353 0.260417 0.575472 0.63964 999 530 0.301176 0.653368 360 225 305 639 665 864 1529 7214 0.565075 True True 0.935673 25 - 45 False 0.696781 25 - 45 True 1.31387 25 - 45 True 1.62187 25 - 45 False 0.850173 25 - 45 True 0.519231 25 - 45 True 1.39537 25 - 45 True 1.04029 25 - 45 False 0.688435 25 - 45 False 1.18096 25 - 45 True

The Bias() class includes a method to quickly return a list of calculated disparities from the dataframe returned by the ``get_disparity_`` methods.

calculated_disparities = b.list_disparities(bdf)
disparity_significance = b.list_significance(bdf)
# View disparity metrics added to dataframe
bdf[['attribute_name', 'attribute_value'] +  calculated_disparities + disparity_significance]
attribute_name attribute_value fdr_disparity fnr_disparity for_disparity fpr_disparity npv_disparity ppr_disparity pprev_disparity precision_disparity ... fdr_significance fnr_significance for_significance fpr_significance npv_significance ppr_significance pprev_significance precision_significance tnr_significance tpr_significance
0 race African-American 0.906085 0.586416 1.213154 1.912093 0.913728 2.545667 1.690224 1.064904 ... False True True False True True True False False True
1 race Asian 0.611748 0.698482 0.433839 0.370749 1.229148 0.009368 0.718384 1.268317 ... False False False False False False False False False False
2 race Caucasian 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 ... False False False False False False False False False False
3 race Hispanic 1.120464 1.165140 1.001616 0.915887 0.999346 0.222482 0.857099 0.916748 ... False False False False False True True False False False
4 race Native American 0.611748 0.209544 0.578453 1.598854 1.170618 0.014052 1.915691 1.268317 ... False False False False False True True False False False
5 race Other 1.115085 1.417970 1.048203 0.629057 0.980490 0.092506 0.602147 0.920466 ... False False False False False True True False False False
6 sex Female 1.336425 1.055810 0.734738 0.990343 1.130710 0.216801 0.904348 0.806925 ... True True True True True True True True True True
7 sex Male 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 ... False False False False False False False False False False
8 age_cat 25 - 45 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 ... False False False False False False False False False False
9 age_cat Greater than 45 1.192804 1.531238 0.746232 0.503031 1.121136 0.204782 0.533914 0.879232 ... True True True True True True True True True True
10 age_cat Less than 25 0.935673 0.696781 1.313873 1.621868 0.850173 0.519231 1.395369 1.040293 ... False True True False True True True False False True

11 rows × 24 columns

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How do I interpret calculated disparity ratios?

The calculated disparities from the dataframe returned by the Bias() class ``get_disparity_`` methods are in relation to a reference group, which will always have a disparity of 1.0.

The differences in False Positive Rates, noted in the discussion of the Group() class above, are clarified using the disparity ratio (fpr_disparity). Black people are falsely identified as being high or medium risks 1.9 times the rate for white people.

As seen above, False Discovery Rates have much less disparity (fdr_disparity), or fraction of false postives over predicted positive in a group. As reference groups have disparity = 1 by design in Aequitas, the lower disparity is highlighted by the fdr_disparity value close to 1.0 (0.906) for the race attribute group ‘African-American’ when disparities are calculated using predefined base group ‘Caucasian’. Note that COMPAS is calibrated to balance False Positive Rate and False Discovery Rates across groups.

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How does the selected reference group affect disparity calculations?

Disparities calculated in the the Aequitas Bias() class based on the crosstab returned by the Group() class ``get_crosstabs()`` method can be derived using several different base gorups. In addition to using user-specified groups illustrated above, Aequitas can automate base group selection based on dataset characterisitcs:

Evaluating disparities calculated in relation to a different ‘race’ reference group

Changing even one attribute in the predefined groups will alter calculated disparities. When a differnet pre-defined group ‘Hispanic’ is used, we can see that Black people are 2.1 times more likely to be falsely identified as being high or medium risks as Hispanic people are (compared to 1.9 times more likely than white people), and even less likely to be falsely identified as low risk when compared to Hispanic people rather than white people.

hbdf = b.get_disparity_predefined_groups(xtab, original_df=df,
                                         ref_groups_dict={'race':'Hispanic', 'sex':'Male', 'age_cat':'25 - 45'},
# View disparity metrics added to dataframe
hbdf[['attribute_name', 'attribute_value'] +  calculated_disparities + disparity_significance]
attribute_name attribute_value fdr_disparity fnr_disparity for_disparity fpr_disparity npv_disparity ppr_disparity pprev_disparity precision_disparity ... fdr_significance fnr_significance for_significance fpr_significance npv_significance ppr_significance pprev_significance precision_significance tnr_significance tpr_significance
0 race African-American 0.808669 0.503301 1.211197 2.087696 0.914326 11.442105 1.972030 1.161610 ... 2.101379e-02 1.380038e-02 1.380038e-02 2.101379e-02 1.380038e-02 1.698640e-43 1.698640e-43 2.101379e-02 2.101379e-02 1.380038e-02
1 race Asian 0.545977 0.599483 0.433140 0.404798 1.229953 0.042105 0.838158 1.383495 ... 2.490853e-01 8.246864e-02 8.246864e-02 2.490853e-01 8.246864e-02 5.600792e-01 5.600792e-01 2.490853e-01 2.490853e-01 8.246864e-02
2 race Caucasian 0.892487 0.858266 0.998387 1.091838 1.000654 4.494737 1.166727 1.090812 ... 2.137023e-01 9.846792e-01 9.846792e-01 2.137023e-01 9.846792e-01 1.560902e-02 1.560902e-02 2.137023e-01 2.137023e-01 9.846792e-01
3 race Hispanic 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 ... 1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00
4 race Native American 0.545977 0.179845 0.577519 1.745690 1.171384 0.063158 2.235088 1.383495 ... 1.615220e-01 5.129970e-01 5.129970e-01 1.615220e-01 5.129970e-01 8.217490e-04 8.217490e-04 1.615220e-01 1.615220e-01 5.129970e-01
5 race Other 0.995199 1.216996 1.046512 0.686829 0.981132 0.415789 0.702541 1.004056 ... 9.738238e-01 6.940727e-01 6.940727e-01 9.738238e-01 6.940727e-01 1.433433e-03 1.433433e-03 9.738238e-01 9.738238e-01 6.940727e-01
6 sex Female 1.336425 1.055810 0.734738 0.990343 1.130710 0.216801 0.904348 0.806925 ... 6.977574e-08 4.948025e-07 4.948025e-07 6.977574e-08 4.948025e-07 2.433115e-03 2.433115e-03 6.977574e-08 6.977574e-08 4.948025e-07
7 sex Male 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 ... 1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00
8 age_cat 25 - 45 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 ... 1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 1.000000e+00
9 age_cat Greater than 45 1.192804 1.531238 0.746232 0.503031 1.121136 0.204782 0.533914 0.879232 ... 7.096257e-03 3.045872e-07 3.045872e-07 7.096257e-03 3.045872e-07 2.277827e-57 2.277827e-57 7.096257e-03 7.096257e-03 3.045872e-07
10 age_cat Less than 25 0.935673 0.696781 1.313873 1.621868 0.850173 0.519231 1.395369 1.040293 ... 1.899425e-01 2.120676e-05 2.120676e-05 1.899425e-01 2.120676e-05 1.422423e-36 1.422423e-36 1.899425e-01 1.899425e-01 2.120676e-05

11 rows × 24 columns

Disparities calculated in relation to sample population majority group (in terms of group prevalence) for each attribute

The majority population groups for each attribute (‘race’, ‘sex’, ‘age_cat’) in the COMPAS dataset are ‘African American’, ‘Male’, and ‘25 - 45’. Using the ``get_disparity_major_group()`` method of calculation allows researchers to quickly evaluate how much more (or less often) other groups are falsely or correctly identified as high- or medium-risk in relation to the group they have the most data on.

majority_bdf = b.get_disparity_major_group(xtab, original_df=df, mask_significance=True)
majority_bdf[['attribute_name', 'attribute_value'] +  calculated_disparities + disparity_significance]
attribute_name attribute_value fdr_disparity fnr_disparity for_disparity fpr_disparity npv_disparity ppr_disparity pprev_disparity precision_disparity ... fdr_significance fnr_significance for_significance fpr_significance npv_significance ppr_significance pprev_significance precision_significance tnr_significance tpr_significance
0 race African-American 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 ... False False False False False False False False False False
1 race Asian 0.675155 1.191103 0.357613 0.193897 1.345202 0.003680 0.425023 1.191015 ... False True True False True True True False False True
2 race Caucasian 1.103650 1.705274 0.824297 0.522987 1.094418 0.392824 0.591638 0.939052 ... False True True False True True True False False True
3 race Hispanic 1.236600 1.986883 0.825630 0.478997 1.093702 0.087397 0.507092 0.860874 ... True True True True True True True True True True
4 race Native American 0.675155 0.357331 0.476817 0.836180 1.281145 0.005520 1.133395 1.191015 ... False False False False False False False False False False
5 race Other 1.230663 2.418028 0.864031 0.328989 1.073066 0.036339 0.356253 0.864366 ... False False False False False True True False False False
6 sex Female 1.336425 1.055810 0.734738 0.990343 1.130710 0.216801 0.904348 0.806925 ... True True True True True True True True True True
7 sex Male 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 ... False False False False False False False False False False
8 age_cat 25 - 45 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 ... False False False False False False False False False False
9 age_cat Greater than 45 1.192804 1.531238 0.746232 0.503031 1.121136 0.204782 0.533914 0.879232 ... True True True True True True True True True True
10 age_cat Less than 25 0.935673 0.696781 1.313873 1.621868 0.850173 0.519231 1.395369 1.040293 ... False True True False True True True False False True

11 rows × 24 columns

Disparities calculated in relation to the minimum value for each metric

When you do not have a pre-existing don’t frame of reference or policy context for the dataset (ex: Caucasians or males historically favored), you may choose to view disparities in relation to the group with the lowest value for every disparity metric, as then every group’s value will be at least 1.0, and relationships can be evaluated more linearly.

Note that disparities are much more varied, and may have larger magnitude, when the minimum value per metric is used as a reference group versus one of the other two methods.

min_metric_bdf = b.get_disparity_min_metric(df=xtab, original_df=df)
attribute_name attribute_value k model_id score_threshold tpr tnr for fdr fpr fnr npv precision pp pn ppr pprev fp fn tn tp group_label_neg group_label_pos group_size total_entities prev label_value_significance score_significance fdr_disparity fdr_ref_group_value fdr_significance fnr_disparity fnr_ref_group_value fnr_significance for_disparity for_ref_group_value for_significance fpr_disparity fpr_ref_group_value fpr_significance npv_disparity npv_ref_group_value npv_significance ppr_disparity ppr_ref_group_value ppr_significance pprev_disparity pprev_ref_group_value pprev_significance precision_disparity precision_ref_group_value precision_significance tnr_disparity tnr_ref_group_value tnr_significance tpr_disparity tpr_ref_group_value tpr_significance
0 race African-American 3317 1 binary 0/1 0.720147 0.551532 0.34954 0.370285 0.448468 0.279853 0.65046 0.629715 2174 1522 0.655412 0.588203 805 532 990 1369 1795 1901 3696 7214 0.51434 True True 1.48114 Asian False 2.79853 Native American False 2.79632 Asian True 5.15738 Asian False 1 African-American False 271.75 Asian True 2.807 Other True 1.16161 Hispanic True 1 African-American False 2.22743 Other False
1 race Asian 3317 1 binary 0/1 0.666667 0.913043 0.125 0.25 0.0869565 0.333333 0.875 0.75 8 24 0.00241182 0.25 2 3 21 6 23 9 32 7214 0.28125 False False 1 Asian False 3.33333 Native American False 1 Asian False 1 Asian False 1.3452 African-American True 1 Asian False 1.19304 Other False 1.3835 Hispanic False 1.65547 African-American False 2.06202 Other False
2 race Caucasian 3317 1 binary 0/1 0.522774 0.765457 0.288125 0.408665 0.234543 0.477226 0.711875 0.591335 854 1600 0.257462 0.348003 349 461 1139 505 1488 966 2454 7214 0.393643 False False 1.63466 Asian False 4.77226 Native American False 2.305 Asian False 2.69724 Asian False 1.09442 African-American True 106.75 Asian False 1.66072 Other True 1.09081 Hispanic False 1.38787 African-American False 1.61695 Other False
3 race Hispanic 3317 1 binary 0/1 0.443966 0.785185 0.288591 0.457895 0.214815 0.556034 0.711409 0.542105 190 447 0.0572807 0.298273 87 129 318 103 405 232 637 7214 0.364207 False False 1.83158 Asian False 5.56034 Native American False 2.30872 Asian False 2.47037 Asian False 1.0937 African-American True 23.75 Asian False 1.4234 Other True 1 Hispanic False 1.42364 African-American True 1.3732 Other False
4 race Native American 3317 1 binary 0/1 0.9 0.625 0.166667 0.25 0.375 0.1 0.833333 0.75 12 6 0.00361773 0.666667 3 1 5 9 8 10 18 7214 0.555556 False True 1 Asian False 1 Native American False 1.33333 Asian False 4.3125 Asian False 1.28114 African-American False 1.5 Asian True 3.18143 Other True 1.3835 Hispanic False 1.13321 African-American False 2.78372 Other False
5 race Other 3317 1 binary 0/1 0.323308 0.852459 0.302013 0.455696 0.147541 0.676692 0.697987 0.544304 79 298 0.0238167 0.209549 36 90 208 43 244 133 377 7214 0.352785 False False 1.82278 Asian False 6.76692 Native American False 2.41611 Asian False 1.69672 Asian False 1.07307 African-American False 9.875 Asian False 1 Other False 1.00406 Hispanic False 1.54562 African-American False 1 Other False
6 sex Female 3317 1 binary 0/1 0.608434 0.67893 0.242537 0.48731 0.32107 0.391566 0.757463 0.51269 591 804 0.178173 0.423656 288 195 609 303 897 498 1395 7214 0.356989 False False 1.33642 Male True 1.05581 Male True 1 Female False 1 Female False 1.13071 Male True 1 Female False 1 Female False 1 Female False 1.00463 Male True 1 Female False
7 sex Male 3317 1 binary 0/1 0.629132 0.675799 0.3301 0.364637 0.324201 0.370868 0.6699 0.635363 2726 3093 0.821827 0.468465 994 1021 2072 1732 3066 2753 5819 7214 0.473105 True True 1 Male False 1 Male False 1.36103 Female True 1.00975 Female True 1 Male False 4.61252 Female True 1.10577 Female True 1.23927 Female True 1 Male False 1.03402 Female True
8 age_cat 25 - 45 3317 1 binary 0/1 0.626257 0.666216 0.323112 0.385135 0.333784 0.373743 0.676888 0.614865 1924 2185 0.580042 0.46824 741 706 1479 1183 2220 1889 4109 7214 0.459723 True True 1.06875 Less than 25 False 1.43517 Less than 25 True 1.34007 Greater than 45 True 1.98795 Greater than 45 True 1.17623 Less than 25 True 4.88325 Greater than 45 True 1.87296 Greater than 45 True 1.13736 Greater than 45 True 1.45257 Less than 25 False 1.46421 Greater than 45 True
9 age_cat Greater than 45 3317 1 binary 0/1 0.427711 0.832096 0.241117 0.459391 0.167904 0.572289 0.758883 0.540609 394 1182 0.118782 0.25 181 285 897 213 1078 498 1576 7214 0.31599 False False 1.27481 Less than 25 True 2.19759 Less than 25 True 1 Greater than 45 False 1 Greater than 45 False 1.31872 Less than 25 True 1 Greater than 45 False 1 Greater than 45 False 1 Greater than 45 False 1.81424 Less than 25 True 1 Greater than 45 False
10 age_cat Less than 25 3317 1 binary 0/1 0.739583 0.458647 0.424528 0.36036 0.541353 0.260417 0.575472 0.63964 999 530 0.301176 0.653368 360 225 305 639 665 864 1529 7214 0.565075 True True 1 Less than 25 False 1 Less than 25 False 1.76068 Greater than 45 True 3.22419 Greater than 45 True 1 Less than 25 False 2.53553 Greater than 45 True 2.61347 Greater than 45 True 1.18318 Greater than 45 True 1 Less than 25 False 1.72917 Greater than 45 True
# View disparity metrics added to dataframe
min_metric_bdf[['attribute_name', 'attribute_value'] +  calculated_disparities + disparity_significance]
attribute_name attribute_value fdr_disparity fnr_disparity for_disparity fpr_disparity npv_disparity ppr_disparity pprev_disparity precision_disparity ... fdr_significance fnr_significance for_significance fpr_significance npv_significance ppr_significance pprev_significance precision_significance tnr_significance tpr_significance
0 race African-American 1.481141 2.798527 2.796321 5.157382 1.000000 271.750000 2.806996 1.161610 ... False False True False False True True True False False
1 race Asian 1.000000 3.333333 1.000000 1.000000 1.345202 1.000000 1.193038 1.383495 ... False False False False True False False False False False
2 race Caucasian 1.634660 4.772257 2.305000 2.697245 1.094418 106.750000 1.660724 1.090812 ... False False False False True False True False False False
3 race Hispanic 1.831579 5.560345 2.308725 2.470370 1.093702 23.750000 1.423405 1.000000 ... False False False False True False True False True False
4 race Native American 1.000000 1.000000 1.333333 4.312500 1.281145 1.500000 3.181435 1.383495 ... False False False False False True True False False False
5 race Other 1.822785 6.766917 2.416107 1.696721 1.073066 9.875000 1.000000 1.004056 ... False False False False False False False False False False
6 sex Female 1.336425 1.055810 1.000000 1.000000 1.130710 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 ... True True False False True False False False True False
7 sex Male 1.000000 1.000000 1.361029 1.009751 1.000000 4.612521 1.105769 1.239273 ... False False True True False True True True False True
8 age_cat 25 - 45 1.068750 1.435172 1.340065 1.987950 1.176231 4.883249 1.872962 1.137356 ... False True True True True True True True False True
9 age_cat Greater than 45 1.274810 2.197590 1.000000 1.000000 1.318715 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 ... True True False False True False False False True False
10 age_cat Less than 25 1.000000 1.000000 1.760675 3.224193 1.000000 2.535533 2.613473 1.183183 ... False False True True False True True True False True

11 rows × 24 columns

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How do I visualize disparities in my model?

To visualize disparities in the dataframe returned by one of the Bias() class ``get_disparity_`` methods use one of two methods in the Aequitas Plot() class:

A particular disparity metric can be specified with ``plot_disparity()``. To plot a single disparity, a metric and an attribute must be specified.

Disparities related to a list of particular metrics of interest or 'all' metrics can be plotted with ``plot_disparity_all()``. At least one metric or at least one attribute must be specified when plotting multiple disparities (or the same disparity across multiple attributes). For example, to plot PPR and and Precision disparity for all attributes, specify metrics=['ppr', 'precision'] with no attribute specified, and to plot default metrics by race, specify attributes=['race'] and with no metrics specified.

Reference groups are displayed in grey, and always have a disparity = 1. Note that disparities greater than 10x reference group will are visualized as 10x, and disparities less than 0.1x reference group are visualized as 0.1x.

Statistical siginificance (at a default value of 0.05) is denoted by two asterisks (**) next to a treemap square’s value.

Visualizing disparities between groups in a single user-specified attribute for a single user-specified disparity metric

The treemap below displays precision disparity values calculated using a predefined group, in this case the ‘Caucasian’ group within the race attribute, sized based on the group size and colored based on disparity magnitude. We can see from asterisks that the disparities between the ‘Caucasian’ reference population group and both the ‘African-American’ and ‘Other’ race population groups are statistically significant at the 5% level.

Note: Groups are visualized at no less than 0.1 times the size of the reference group, and no more than 10 times the size of the reference group.

aqp.plot_disparity(bdf, group_metric='fpr_disparity', attribute_name='race', significance_alpha=0.05)

When another group, ‘Hispanic’, is the reference group, the colors change to indicate higher or lower disparity in relation to that group. Treemap square sizes may also be adjusted, as group size limits for visualization are in relation to the reference group (minimum 0.1 times reference group size and maximum 10 times the reference group size).

aqp.plot_disparity(hbdf, group_metric='fpr_disparity', attribute_name='race', significance_alpha=0.05)

Visualizing disparities between all groups for a single user-specified disparity metric

The treemaps belows display False Positive Rate disparities calculated based on predefined reference groups (‘race’ attribute: Hispanic, ‘sex’ attribute: Male, ‘age_cat’ attribute: 25-45), sized based on group size, and colored based on disparity magnitude.

It is clear that the majority of samples in the data are African-American, male, and 25-45 for the ‘race’, ‘sex’, and age category attributes, respectively. Based on the lighter colors in the treemaps, we see that there is precision disparity relatively close to 1 (a disparity of 1 indicates no disparity) across all attributes.

j = aqp.plot_disparity_all(majority_bdf, metrics=['precision_disparity'], significance_alpha=0.05)

Visualizing disparities between groups in a single user-specified attribute for default metrics

When visualizing more than one disparity, you can specify a list of disparity metrics, 'all' disaprity metrics, or use the Aequitas default disparity metrics by not supplying an argument: - Predicted Positive Group Rate Disparity (pprev_disparity), - Predicted Positive Rate Disparity (ppr_disparity), - False Discovery Rate Disparity (fdr_disparity), - False Omission Rate Disparity (for_disparity) - False Positive Rate Disparity (fpr_disparity) - False Negative Rate Disparity (fnr_disparity)

The treemaps below display the default disparities between ‘age_cat’ groups calculated based on the minimum value of each metric, colored based on disparity magnitude. We can see based on coloring that there is a lower level of false discovery rate disparity (‘fdr_disparity’) between age categories than predicted positive group rate disparity or (‘pprev_disparity’) predicted positive rate disparity (‘ppr_disparity’).

min_met = aqp.plot_disparity_all(min_metric_bdf, attributes=['age_cat'], significance_alpha=0.05)

Visualizing disparities between groups in a single user-specified attribute for all calculated disparity metrics

The treemaps below display disparities between ‘race’ attribute groups calculated based on predefined reference groups (‘race’ attribute: Hispanic, ‘sex’ attribute: Male, ‘age_cat’ attribute: 25-45) for all 10 disparity metrics, colored based on disparity magnitude.

tm_capped = aqp.plot_disparity_all(hbdf, attributes=['race'], metrics = 'all', significance_alpha=0.05)

Visualizing disparity between all groups for multiple user-specified disparity metrics

The treemaps below display False Omission Rate and False Positive Rate disparities (calculated in relation to the sample majority group for each attribute) between groups acorss all three attributes, colored based on disparity magnitude.

We see that several groups (Asian, Native American) have a much lower false omission rate than African Americans, with fairly close false omission rates between the sexes and the two older oldest age groups. Though there are many more men in the sample, the two groups have nearly identical false positive rates, while color tells us that there are larger false positive rate disparities between races and age categories than false omission rate disparity.

dp = aqp.plot_disparity_all(majority_bdf, metrics=['for_disparity', 'fpr_disparity'], significance_alpha=0.05)

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How do I assess model fairness?

Aequitas Fairness() Class

Finally, the Aequitas Fairness() class provides three functions that provide a high level summary of fairness. This class builds on the dataframe returned from one of the three Bias() class ``get_dispariy_`` methods.

Using FPR disparity as an example and the default fairness threshold, we have:

0.8 < Disparity_{FNR} =  \frac{FPR_{group}}{FPR_{base group}} < 1.25

We can assess fairness at various levels of detail:

Group Level Fairness

When the label_value column is not included in the original data set, Aequitas calculates only Statistical Parity and Impact Parities.

When the label_value is included in the original data set, the ``get_group_value_fairness()`` function builds on the previous dataframe. The ``get_group_value_fairness()`` function gives us attribute group-level statistics for fairness determinations:

Pairities Calcuated:


Column Name

True Positive Rate Parity

‘TPR Parity’

True Negative Rate Parity

‘TNR Parity’

False Omission Rate Parity

‘FOR Parity’

False Discovery Rate Parity

‘FDR Parity’

False Positive Rate Parity

‘FPR Parity’

False Negative Rate Parity

‘FNR Parity’

Negative Predictive Value Parity

‘NPV Parity’

Precision Parity

‘Precision Parity’

Predicted Positive Ratio_k Parity

‘Statistical Parity’

Predicted Positive Ratio_g Parity

‘Impact Parity’

Also assessed:

  • *Type I Parity*: Fairness in both FDR Parity and FPR Parity

  • *Type II Parity*: Fairness in both FOR Parity and FNR Parity

  • *Equalized Odds*: Fairness in both FPR Parity and TPR Parity

  • *Unsupervised Fairness*: Fairness in both Statistical Parity and Impact Parity

  • *Supervised Fairness*: Fairness in both Type I and Type II Parity

  • *Overall Fairness*: Fairness across all parities for all attributes

f = Fairness()
fdf = f.get_group_value_fairness(bdf)

The Fairness() class includes a method to quickly return a list of fairness determinations from the dataframe returned by the ``get_group_value_fairness()`` method.

parity_detrminations = f.list_parities(fdf)
fdf[['attribute_name', 'attribute_value'] + absolute_metrics + calculated_disparities + parity_detrminations].style
attribute_name attribute_value tpr tnr for fdr fpr fnr npv precision ppr pprev prev fdr_disparity fnr_disparity for_disparity fpr_disparity npv_disparity ppr_disparity pprev_disparity precision_disparity tnr_disparity tpr_disparity NPV Parity TypeI Parity Supervised Fairness Unsupervised Fairness Equalized Odds Impact Parity Statistical Parity FOR Parity TypeII Parity FDR Parity Precision Parity FPR Parity TPR Parity TNR Parity FNR Parity
0 race African-American 0.720147 0.551532 0.34954 0.370285 0.448468 0.279853 0.65046 0.629715 0.655412 0.588203 0.51434 0.906085 0.586416 1.21315 1.91209 0.913728 2.54567 1.69022 1.0649 0.720526 1.37755 True False False False False False False True False True True False False False False
1 race Asian 0.666667 0.913043 0.125 0.25 0.0869565 0.333333 0.875 0.75 0.00241182 0.25 0.28125 0.611748 0.698482 0.433839 0.370749 1.22915 0.00936768 0.718384 1.26832 1.19281 1.27525 True False False False False False False False False False False False False True False
2 race Caucasian 0.522774 0.765457 0.288125 0.408665 0.234543 0.477226 0.711875 0.591335 0.257462 0.348003 0.393643 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True
3 race Hispanic 0.443966 0.785185 0.288591 0.457895 0.214815 0.556034 0.711409 0.542105 0.0572807 0.298273 0.364207 1.12046 1.16514 1.00162 0.915887 0.999346 0.222482 0.857099 0.916748 1.02577 0.849249 True True True False True True False True True True True True True True True
4 race Native American 0.9 0.625 0.166667 0.25 0.375 0.1 0.833333 0.75 0.00361773 0.666667 0.555556 0.611748 0.209544 0.578453 1.59885 1.17062 0.0140515 1.91569 1.26832 0.816506 1.72158 True False False False False False False False False False False False False True False
5 race Other 0.323308 0.852459 0.302013 0.455696 0.147541 0.676692 0.697987 0.544304 0.0238167 0.209549 0.352785 1.11508 1.41797 1.0482 0.629057 0.98049 0.0925059 0.602147 0.920466 1.11366 0.618447 True False False False False False False True False True True False False True False
6 sex Female 0.608434 0.67893 0.242537 0.48731 0.32107 0.391566 0.757463 0.51269 0.178173 0.423656 0.356989 1.33642 1.05581 0.734738 0.990343 1.13071 0.216801 0.904348 0.806925 1.00463 0.967101 True False False False True True False False False False True True True True True
7 sex Male 0.629132 0.675799 0.3301 0.364637 0.324201 0.370868 0.6699 0.635363 0.821827 0.468465 0.473105 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True
8 age_cat 25 - 45 0.626257 0.666216 0.323112 0.385135 0.333784 0.373743 0.676888 0.614865 0.580042 0.46824 0.459723 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 True True True True True True True True True True True True True True True
9 age_cat Greater than 45 0.427711 0.832096 0.241117 0.459391 0.167904 0.572289 0.758883 0.540609 0.118782 0.25 0.31599 1.1928 1.53124 0.746232 0.503031 1.12114 0.204782 0.533914 0.879232 1.24899 0.682963 True False False False False False False False False True True False False True False
10 age_cat Less than 25 0.739583 0.458647 0.424528 0.36036 0.541353 0.260417 0.575472 0.63964 0.301176 0.653368 0.565075 0.935673 0.696781 1.31387 1.62187 0.850173 0.519231 1.39537 1.04029 0.688435 1.18096 True False False False False False False False False True True False True False False

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How do I interpret parities?

Calling the Aequitas Fairness() class ``get_group_value_fairness()`` method on the dataframe returned from a Bias() class get_dispariy method will return the dataframe with additional columns indicating parities, as seen in the slice of the get_group_value_fairness data frame directly above.

In this case, our base groups are Caucasian for race, Male for gender, and 25-45 for age_cat. By construction, the base group has supervised fairness. (The disparity ratio is 1). Relative to the base groups, the COMPAS predictions only provide supervised fairness to one group, Hispanic.

Above, the African-American false omission and false discovery are within the bounds of fairness. This result is expected because COMPAS is calibrated. (Given calibration, it is surprising that Asian and Native American rates are so low. This may be a matter of having few observations for these groups.)

On the other hand, African-Americans are roughly twice as likely to have false positives and 40 percent less likely to false negatives. In real terms, 44.8% of African-Americans who did not recidivate were marked high or medium risk (with potential for associated penalties), compared with 23.4% of Caucasian non-reoffenders. This is unfair and is marked False below.

These findings mark an inherent trade-off between FPR Fairness, FNR Fairness and calibration, which is present in any decision system where base rates are not equal. See Chouldechova (2017). Aequitas helps bring this trade-off to the forefront with clear metrics and asks system designers to make a reasoned decision based on their use case.

Attribute Level Fairness

Use the ``get_group_attribute_fairness()`` function to view only the calculated parities from the ``get_group_value_fairness()`` function at the attribute level.

gaf = f.get_group_attribute_fairness(fdf)
model_id score_threshold attribute_name Statistical Parity Impact Parity FDR Parity FPR Parity FOR Parity FNR Parity TPR Parity TNR Parity NPV Parity Precision Parity TypeI Parity TypeII Parity Equalized Odds Unsupervised Fairness Supervised Fairness
0 1 binary 0/1 age_cat False False True False False False False False True True False False False False False
1 1 binary 0/1 race False False False False False False False False True False False False False False False
2 1 binary 0/1 sex False True False True False True True True True True False False True False False

Overall Fairness

The ``get_overall_fairness()`` function gives a quick boolean assessment of the output of ``get_group_value_fairness()`` or ``get_group_attribute_fairness()``, returning a dictionary with a determination across all attributes for each of: - Unsupervised Fairness - Supervised Fairness - Overall Fairness

gof = f.get_overall_fairness(fdf)
{'Unsupervised Fairness': False,
 'Supervised Fairness': False,
 'Overall Fairness': False}

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How do I visualize bias metric parity?

Once you have run the Group() class to retrieve a crosstab of absolute group value bias metrics, added calculdated disparities via one of the the Bias() class ``get_disparity`` functions, and added parity determinations via the Fairness() class ``get_group_value_fairness()`` or ``get_group_attribute_fairness()`` method, you are ready to visualize biases and disparities in terms of fairness determination.

For visualizing absolute metric fairness with the the Aequitas Plot() class, a particular metric can be specified with ``plot_fairness_group()``. A list of particular metrics of interest or ‘all’ metrics can be plotted with ``plot_fairness_group_all()``.

Visualizing parity of a single absolute group metric across all population groups

The chart below displays absolute group metric Predicted Positive Rate Disparity (ppr) across each attribute, colored based on fairness determination for that attribute group (green = ‘True’ and red = ‘False’).

We can see from the green color that only the 25-45 age group, Male category, and Caucasian groups have been determined to be fair. Sound familiar? They should! These are the groups selected as reference groups, so this model is not fair in terms of Statistical Parity for any of the other groups.

z = aqp.plot_fairness_group(fdf, group_metric='ppr')

Visualizing all absolute group metrics across all population groups

The charts below display all calculated absolute group metrics across each attribute, colored based on fairness determination for that attribute group (green = ‘True’ and red = ‘False’).

Immediately we can see that negative predictive parity status is ‘True’ for all population groups, and that only two groups had a ‘False’ determination for true negative parity.

fg = aqp.plot_fairness_group_all(fdf, ncols=5, metrics = "all")

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How do I visualize parity between groups in my model?

To visualize disparity fairness based on the dataframe returned from the Fairness() class ``get_group_value_fairness()`` method, a particular disparity metric can be specified with the ``plot_fairness_disparity()`` method in the the Aequitas Plot() class. To plot a single disparity, a metric and an attribute must be specified.

Disparities related to a list of particular metrics of interest or 'all' metrics can be plotted with ``plot_fairness_disparity_all()``. At least one metric or at least one attribute must be specified when plotting multiple fairness disparities (or the same disparity across multiple attributes).

Visualizing parity between groups in a single user-specified attribute for all calculated disparity metrics

The treemap below displays False Discovery Rate disparity values between race attribute groups calculated based on a predefined reference group (‘Caucasian’), colored based on fairness determination for that attribute group (green = ‘True’ and red = ‘False’). We see very quickly that only two groups have a ‘False’ parity determination.

m = aqp.plot_fairness_disparity(fdf, group_metric='fdr', attribute_name='race')

Visualizing parity between groups in a single user-specified attribute for all calculated disparity metrics

The treemaps below display disparities between race attribute groups calculated based on a predefined reference group (‘Caucasian’) for all 10 disparity metrics, colored based on fairness determination for that attribute group (green = ‘True’ and red = ‘False’).

As all treemap squares are sized and positioned based on group size, the population groups on all subplots are found in the same place across all disparity metrics, allowing for ease of comparison of fairness determinations for each ‘race’ group across every calculated dipsarity metric.

a_tm = aqp.plot_fairness_disparity_all(fdf, attributes=['race'], metrics='all',

Visualizing parity between all groups for multiple user-specified disparity metrics

The treemaps below display Predicted Positive Group Rate (pprev) and Predicted Positive Rate (ppr) disparities between attribute groups for all three attributes (race, sex, age category) calculated based on predefined reference groups (‘race’ attribute: Caucasian, ‘sex’ attribute: Male, ‘age_cat’ attribute: 25-45), colored based on fairness determination for that attribute group (green = ‘True’ and red = ‘False’). As we want to plot for all groups, there is no need to specify any attributes.

We can see that the Predicted Positive Group Rate Parity (Impact Parity) determination was ‘False’ for nearly every race in comparison to Caucausians, and ‘False’ for every other age category in comparison to the 25-45 age group, and that overall Predicted Positive Rate Parity (Statistical Parity) did not have any ‘True’ fairness determinations at all.

r_tm = aqp.plot_fairness_disparity_all(fdf, metrics=['pprev_disparity', 'ppr_disparity'],

Visualizing parity between groups in multiple user-specified attributes

The treemaps below display disparities between attribute groups for all two attributes (sex, age category) calculated based on predefined reference groups (‘sex’ attribute: Male, ‘age_cat’ attribute: 25-45) for the six default disparity metrics, colored based on fairness determination for that attribute group (green = ‘True’ and red = ‘False’). As we want to see only the default metrics, we do not need to set the ‘metrics’ parameter.

Note that there is slightly more parity between the sexes (FNR, FDR, FNR, and Statistical Parity) than between age categories (FDR Parity only).

n_tm = aqp.plot_fairness_disparity_all(fdf, attributes=['sex', 'age_cat'],

The Aequitas Effect

By breaking down the COMPAS predictions using a variety of bias and disparity metrics calculated using different reference groups, we are able to surface the specific metrics for which the model is imposing bias on given attribute groups, and have a clearer lens when evaluating models and making recommendations for intervention.

Researchers utilizing Aequitas will be able to make similar evaluations on their own data sets, and as they continue to use the tool, will begin to identify patterns in where biases exist and which models appear to produce less bias, thereby helping to reduce bias and its effects in future algorithm-based decision-making.

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