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Sometimes, you want to keep a files in your repo's directory local, and not share it. Git has an app, errm, file, for that!

Commands you'll learn#

In this tutorial you'll be using the following commands: * .gitignore: A file that lists files (or file and folder name patterns) that should be excluded from commits.

Keeping It Special#

  1. Learner B: You would like to add an ingredient to the soup which should not be mentioned to the public, or your partners. Create a file sauce.secret, and name your secret ingredient in it. Do a git status. What does git think about your new file?

  2. Learner B: Create a .gitignore file, and add a line saying *.secret to it. Do git status again. What has changed? Your secret file should no longer appear there.

  3. Learner B: Tell git that you want it to include the .gitignore file in your commit: git add .gitignore. Then commit and push your changes.

  4. Learner A and C: Get the changes that Learner B just made: Say git pull. List all files (includen hidden ones) with ls -a. Did you receive the .gitignore? What about the sauce.secret? Which of those two files appears in the repo on GitHub? Also have a look at your git log.

Here is the next tutorial.