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Python and SQL#

Objectives of the session#

  1. Connect to the db through Python and SQLAlchemy
  2. Execute queries directly through Python with SQLAlchemy (no Pandas)
  3. Template SQL

Before we start you will need to:

  • Connect into your project server
$ ssh -i /path/to/your/privatekey
  • On your project server, source your .bashrc so that python can load your environment variables
$ source ~/.bashrc
  • On your project server, go to the mnt directory
$ cd /mnt/data/projects/your-projectanme/andrewid/
  • On your project server, start your jupyter lab on your port (check availability with ss -tulnp)
$ jupyter lab --port 9999
  • On your local machine, create a port forward -tunneling- to the jupyter lab
$ ssh -i /path/to/your/private/key -NL localhost:9999:localhost:9999 andrewid
  • Open a tab on your browser using the URL from the server. Remember to change your port with the one that you put on the first part of the port forwarding.

1. Connect to the DB#

You can connect to a database from Python using SQLAlchemy by creating an engine:

import os

from sqlalchemy import create_engine

# get credentials from environment variables
user = os.getenv('PGUSER')
password = os.getenv('PGPASSWORD')
host = os.getenv('PGHOST')
port = os.getenv('PGPORT')
database = os.getenv('PGDATABASE')

# configure connection to postgres
engine = create_engine("postgresql://{}:{}@{}:{}/{}").format(user, 

# open a connect
db_conn = engine.connect()

2. Run queries with Python and SQLAlchemy#

Now that we have a connection, lets try to run some queries:


# execute a query with sqlalchemy
sql = """
      id, city, zip, purpose
    limit 10

result_set = db_conn.execute(sql)

Since we are not using Pandas the outcome is not in a data frame, it is on a cursor that we need to iterate to get each row.

for row in result_set: 

Create tables

schema = "andrewid"
table = "test"

sql = """
    create table if not exists {}.{} (
        id int,
        amount float, 
        description varchar
""".format(schema, table)


It will not be enough to just execute the query, statements that modify the state of the database will not be physically reflected until we tell the connection to commit these changes. If you went into DBeaver now, you still wouldn't see this new table!


Now you can see the new table :). If you could see it before the commit, then your configuration is with autocommit.

Insert values into tables

We would like to insert the following rows into the table we have just created:

sql = """
    insert into {}.{} values(%s, %s, %s)
""".format(schema, table)

# MUST be a list of tuples!
records_to_insert = [(1, 5.50, "tunnamelt sandwich"), (2, 5.60, "hot latte with oatmilk"), 
                     (3, 4.50, "cheese sandwich")]

# insert values 
for record in records_to_insert:
    engine.execute(sql, record)


Drop tables

sql = """
    drop table {}.{};
""".format(schema, table)



3. Template SQL#

Sometimes is easier to just have a template SQL and iterate through some values of your interest.

dates = ['2019-01-15', '2020-01-15', '2020-04-15', '2020-06-15']

results = []
for date_ in dates:
    sql = """
          inspect_dt, category_cd, purpose, status
       from {}.{}
       where inspect_dt = '{}'
    """.format('raw', 'inspections', date_)

    result_set = db_conn.execute(sql)
    rows = [row for row in result_set]

# you have a list of lists with tuples, you can flat that! or create a df, or read it through pandas
results_one_list = []
for element in results:
    results_one_list += element


You can have complex sql queries that will be better to put on a sql file with some parameters.

Create the file sql_example.sql on your project server on /mnt/data /projects/yourprojectsserver/.

--sql template
  inspect_dt, city, status
where inspect_dt between '{start_date}' and '{end_date}'
and city in ({cities});

Now we can read the file.

# read the file
with open("sql_example.sql", "r") as f:
    sql_template =

# look at the content

We will need to define the parameters the query requires:

# parameters
schema_name = "raw"
table_name = "inspections"
start_date = '2019-01-01'
end_date = "2019-06-30"

cities = ['Verona', 'Irwin', 'Bakerstown']

sql = sql_template.format(schema_name=schema_name, table_name=table_name, start_date=start_date, 
                         end_date=end_date, cities=cities)


Python adds a square bracket to define a list so we will need to fix this or postgres will complain.

def list_to_string(list_elements, dtype='string'):
    # elements on a list that are strings
    if dtype=='string':
        return ','.join(["'%s'" % element for element in list_elements])
    # elements on a list that are integers
        return ','.join(["%s" % element for element in list_elements])

cities_ = list_to_string(cities)
sql = sql_template.format(schema_name=schema_name, table_name=table_name, start_date=start_date, 
                         end_date=end_date, cities=cities_)

Now we can execute the query:

df_result_set = pd.read_sql(sql, db_conn)