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The bulk of postmodeling is documented on its README. Read it here


One of the features in postmodeling, detailed in the README above, is the ability to view crosstabs. Using the .crosstabs property on the ModelEvaluator requires the test_results.crosstabs table to be created first. You can do this either with the CLI or in a Python console:

The model crosstabs populates a table in a postgres database containing model_id, as_of_date, threshold_unit, threshold_value, and feature_column, such as the mean and standard deviation of the given feature for the predicted-high-risk and predicted-low-risk group. In other words, this table provides simple descriptives of the feature distributions for the high-risk and low-risk entities, given a specific model and decision threshold.

The crosstabs config consist of the following parameters:

  1. Output schema and table - the name of the schema and table in the postgresdb where the results should be pushed to.

  2. Lists of thresholds (abs and/or pct) to serve as cutoff for high risk (positive) and low risk(negative) predictions.

  3. (optional) a list of entity_ids to subset for the crosstabs the analysis

  4. Models list query must return a column model_id. You can pass an explicit array of model ids using unnest(ARRAY[1,2,3]):: int or you can query by all model ids from a given model group or by dates, it's up to you (as long as it returns a column model_id)

  5. A list of dates query. Very similar to the previous point, you can either unnest a pre-defined list of dates or execute a more complex query that returns a column as_of_date.

  6. The models_dates_join_query is supposed to be fixed. Just change this if you are really sure. This query is necessary because different model_ids can be used for predicting at multiple as_of_dates we need to make sure that model_id, as_of_date pairs really exist in a table containing predictions.

  7. The features query is used to specify a feature table or (joins of multiple feature tables) that should be joined with the models_dates_join_query results.

  8. Finally, the predictions query should return a model_id, as_of_date, entity_id, score, label_value, rank_abs and rank_pct columns.


triage crosstabs example/config/postmodeling_crosstabs.yaml will run crosstabs for the given config YAML. The config YAML is highly dependent on what model ids and as-of-dates and feature tables are in the database. That example file needs to be modified to work with your experiment and postmodeling interests. Consult the instructions above for help in modifying the file.


This can be run using the triage.component.postmodeling.crosstabs.run_crosstabs function, which takes in a database engine and a loaded CrosstabsConfigLoader object. Example:

from triage.component.postmodeling.crosstabs import CrosstabsConfigLoader, run_crosstabs
from sqlalchemy import create_engine

db_engine = create_engine(<mydburl>)
config = CrosstabsConfigLoader(config_file='example/config/postmodeling_crosstabs.yaml')
run_crosstabs(db_engine, config)